Unexpected connection and input errors after modifying neural networks

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
model4 = squeezenet;
numClasses = 2;
layersTransfer = [
fullyConnectedLayer(numClasses, 'Name', 'fc')
softmaxLayer('Name', 'softmax')
classificationLayer('Name', 'output')
dataFolder = './larger_data/larger_PetImages';
categories = {'cat', 'dog'};
imds2 = imageDatastore(fullfile(dataFolder, categories), 'LabelSource', 'foldernames');
% Another program converts images in imageDatastore to 224 x 224 x 3
[larger_trainingSet, larger_validationSet] = splitEachLabel(imds, 0.75, 'randomized');
new_options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
'MiniBatchSize',10, ...
'MaxEpochs',10, ...
'InitialLearnRate',1e-3, ...
'Shuffle','every-epoch', ...
'ValidationData',larger_validationSet, ...
'ValidationFrequency',3, ...
'Verbose',false, ...
[model4_predictor, info] = trainNetwork(larger_trainingSet, layersTransfer, new_options);
Error using trainNetwork
Invalid network.
Caused by:
Layer 'fire2-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire2-expand3x3': Invalid input data. The number of channels of the input data (64) must match the layer's expected number of channels (16).
Layer 'fire3-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire4-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire5-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire6-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire7-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire8-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Layer 'fire9-concat': Unconnected input. Each layer input must be connected to the output of another layer.
Similar errors were experienced when making any modifications to the final three layers of the GoogleNet CNN.
Any help would be greatly appreciated


Taylor 2024-3-21
The Deep Network Designer app has a useful Network Analyzer tool for just this type of issue. Open the app using deepNetworkDesigner, load layersTransfer from your workspace, and select "Analyze" on the top toolstrip. You should see a report like the one below. Looks like your approach to modifying the network for transfer learning reconfigured the connections in the network unexpectedly. I would recommend following the approach outlined here.
  6 个评论
ijmg 2024-3-22
Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the help. Hopefully my instructor will allow use of the built-in apps in the future.


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