Civil engineering coding problem ( I dont know where the problem in my code is and how to solve it, thanks in advance )

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clear, clc, close all
% Given parameters
a = 4; % width (m)
b = 3; % height (m)
E = 210E9; % E-modulus (Pa)
I = 0.5E-3; % Area moment of inertia (m^4)
R = 1000E3; % Point load (N)
% Element connectivity
edof = [1 2 3 4; 3 4 5 6 ]; % Corrected [EL1; EL2]
% Node coordinates
coord = [0 0; a 0; a b]; % Corrected coordinates
% Boundary conditions
fdof = [1 2 3 4]; % Free dofs
fixed_dofs = [5 6]; % Fixed dofs
% Initialize global stiffness matrix
K = zeros(6,6);
% Global load vector
F = zeros(6,1);
F(4) = -R;
% Assemble global stiffness matrix
for i = 1:size(edof,1)
n1 = edof(i,1)
n2 = edof(i,2)
x1 = coord(n1,1)
y1 = coord(n1,2)
x2 = coord(n2,1)
y2 = coord(n2,2)
L = sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2);
c = (x2-x1)/L;
s = (y2-y1)/L;
ke = beam2d_stiff(E,I,L,c,s);
dofs = [2*n1-1 2*n1 2*n2-1 2*n2];
K(dofs,dofs) = K(dofs,dofs) + ke;
n1 = 1
n2 = 2
x1 = 0
y1 = 0
x2 = 4
y2 = 0
n1 = 3
n2 = 4
x1 = 4
y1 = 3
Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds. Index must not exceed 3.
% Apply boundary conditions
Kf = K(fdof,fdof);
Ff = F(fdof) - K(fdof,fixed_dofs)*zeros(length(fixed_dofs),1);
% Solve for displacements
Df = Kf\Ff;
% Compute reaction forces
Rf = K(fdof,fixed_dofs)*zeros(length(fixed_dofs),1) - F(fdof);
% Compute axial forces
N = zeros(2,1);
for i = 1:size(edof,1)
n1 = edof(i,1);
n2 = edof(i,2);
x1 = coord(n1,1);
y1 = coord(n1,2);
x2 = coord(n2,1);
y2 = coord(n2,2);
L = sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2);
c = (x2-x1)/L;
s = (y2-y1)/L;
ue = [Df(2*n1-1); Df(2*n1); Df(2*n2-1); Df(2*n2)];
[N(i),~,~] = beam2d_forces(E,I,L,c,s,ue);
% Display results
disp(' Node dx (mm) dy (mm)')
disp(' ---------------------------------')
disp([(1:3)' Df(1:2:end)*1E3 Df(2:2:end)*1E3])
disp(' ');
disp(' Node Rx (kN) Ry (kN)')
disp(' ---------------------------------')
disp([(1:3)' Rf(1:2:end)/1E3 Rf(2:2:end)/1E3])
disp(' ');
disp(' EL N (kN)');
disp(' -------------------');
disp([(1:2)' N/1E3]);
% Plot geometry and displacements
fac = 500; % scale factor, deformed shape
figure(1), clf
x = [0 a a+b]; y = [0 b 0]; % coordinates, undeformed geometry
dx = Df(1:2:end); dy = Df(2:2:end); % nodal displacements
plot(x,y,'ko-','LineWidth',1.5), hold all, axis equal
plot(x+fac*dx', y+fac*dy','Color',[0.4 0.4 0.4])
title('\rm 2D bar model')
% Beam stiffness matrix function
function ke = beam2d_stiff(E,I,L,c,s)
ke = E*I/L^3 * [ c^2*L^2 c*s*L^2 -c^2*L^2 -c*s*L^2;
c*s*L^2 s^2*L^2 -c*s*L^2 -s^2*L^2;
-c^2*L^2 -c*s*L^2 c^2*L^2 c*s*L^2;
-c*s*L^2 -s^2*L^2 c*s*L^2 s^2*L^2 ];
% Beam forces calculation function
function [N,V,M] = beam2d_forces(E,I,L,c,s,ue)
N = E*I/L^2 * [-c -s c s] * ue;
V = E*I/L^2 * [-s c -s c] * ue;
M = E*I/L * [ s -c -s c] * ue;

回答(1 个)

Torsten 2024-4-16,11:46
移动:Torsten 2024-4-16,11:46
"coord" has only three rows, but you try to access coord(4,1) and coord(4,2) which do not exist (see above).


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