To use the AXI4-Stream interface in the IP core generation workflow in HDL Coder, you can model your algorithm to operate on a stream of samples or on frames.
If you model your algorithm to operate on a stream of samples (default behavior), you need to model the valid signal of the simplified AXI4-Stream protocol as well. For more information, see: https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/model-design-for-axi4-stream-interface-generation.html#butztmc
The error you see in the HDL Workflow Advisor is because, in the default mode, HDL Coder requires you to model the valid signal and map the AXI4-Stream data port to a signal corresponding to a stream of samples.
Alternatively, you can use the frame-to-sample optimization to generate IP cores for frame-based models (this optimization was introduced in R2022b). The frame-to-sample optimization allows you to map matrices and vectors to the AXI4-Stream interface, and then HDL Coder creates the necessary logic to handle the streamed data in the frame-based design. When you use frame-to-sample optimization, you do not need to model the valid signal. See this doc page for an example and instructions on how to enable this modeling style: https://www.mathworks.com/help/hdlcoder/ug/deploy-a-frame-based-model-with-AXI4-Stream-interfaces.html
I hope this information helps. Let me know if there are follow-up questions.