ive been trying to generate vhdl code using hdl code genrator on matlab 2020a but its showing error regarding the use of fi in my code , can someone fix it for me ? thankyou

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this is my code : MATLAB FUNCTION
function [received_signal_real, received_signal_imag, error_rate] = hdl_compatible_code(n, channel_type)
% Constants
aircraft_altitude = fi(45000,1,32,10); % Altitude of the aircraft in feet
distance_km = fi(350,1,32,10); % Distance between aircraft and base station in kilometers
speed_of_light = fi(3e8,1,32,10); % Speed of light in m/s
n = 100;
% Pathloss model - Free Space Path Loss (FSPL)
fc = fi(1.5e9,1,32,10); % Carrier frequency in Hz (1.5GHz)
lambda = speed_of_light / fc; % Wavelength
path_loss_dB = 20 *log10_approx(fi(4 * pi * distance_km * 1e3 / lambda,1,32,10)); % Path loss in dB
SNR_dB_awgn = fi(10,1,32,10); % Signal to noise ratio in dB for AWGN channel
SNR_awgn = fi(fi(10)^(SNR_dB_awgn / 10),1,32,10); % Convert SNR to linear scale for AWGN channel
tx_power_awgn = fi(1,1,32,10); % Initial guess for transmit power for AWGN channel
noise_power_awgn = tx_power_awgn / SNR_awgn; % Noise power based on SNR for AWGN channel
% Doppler spread
aircraft_speed = fi(660,1,32,10); % Average aircraft speed in meters per second
fd_max = fi(((aircraft_speed * fi(0.51444,1,32,10) * fc) / speed_of_light),1,32,10); % Doppler frequency shift
% Modulation using lookup table
% Precompute constellation points (Scalar approach)
constellation_points = [fi(1,1,16,10), fi(1i,1,16,10),fi(-1,1,16,10), fi(-1i,1,16,10)];
% Modulation
data = lfsr_data(n); % Generate random bits
qpsk_symbols = constellation_points(data + 1); % QPSK modulation: symbol mapping to complex constellation points
% Generate doppler effect using lookup table
two_pi_fd_max = fi(2*pi*fd_max,1,128,10);
t = fi((0:n-1) /n,1,32,10); % Time vector
doppler_shift = cos_lookup(fi((2 * pi * fd_max * t),1,32,10));
% Channel simulation
if channel_type == 0 % AWGN channel
noise_real = sqrt(noise_power_awgn / 2) * lfsr_noise(n); % Generate noise for real part
noise_imag = sqrt(noise_power_awgn / 2) * lfsr_noise(n); % Generate noise for imaginary part
received_signal = (qpsk_symbols .* doppler_shift) + noise_real + fi(1i,1,16,10) * noise_imag; % Received signal in AWGN channel
elseif channel_type == 1 % Rician fading channel
% Rician channel parameters
K =fi( 5,1,32,10); % Rician factor
LOS_power_dB =fi( -10,1,32,10); % Line of sight power in dB
LOS_power_linear = pow2(fi(10,1,32,10),LOS_power_dB/10); % Convert LOS power to linear scale
K_linear = pow2(fi(10,1,32,10),K/10); % Convert Rician factor to linear scale
% Generate fading coefficients
LOS = sqrt(LOS_power_linear / (2 * (1 + 1 / K_linear))) * ones(1, n,'like',fi(0,1,16,10)); % LOS component
scattering = sqrt(LOS_power_linear / (2 * (1 + K_linear))) * (lfsr_noise(n) +fi( 1i,1,16,10) * lfsr_noise(n)); % Scattering component
fading_coefficient = LOS + scattering; % Rician fading coefficients
received_signal = (qpsk_symbols .* fading_coefficient .* doppler_shift); % Apply fading to the transmitted signal
% Add noise to the received signal in Rician channel
noise_real_rician = sqrt(noise_power_awgn / 2) * lfsr_noise(n); % Generate noise for real part
noise_imag_rician = sqrt(noise_power_awgn / 2) * lfsr_noise(n); % Generate noise for imaginary part
received_signal = fi((received_signal + noise_real_rician + fi(1i,1,16,10) * noise_imag_rician),1,49,20); % Add noise
error('hdl_compatible_code:UnknownChannelType', 'Unknown channel type');
% QPSK demodulation
% Hard decision demodulation
% Decision regions
decision_regions = [fi(-1-1i,1,16,10), fi(-1+1i,1,16,10), fi(1-1i,1,16,10), fi(1+1i,1,16,10)];
% Initialize demodulated symbols
demodulated_symbols = zeros(1, n,'uint8');
for i = 1:n
%Seperate real and imaginary part of received_signal and
received_real = real(received_signal(i));
received_imag = imag(received_signal(i));
decision_real = real(decision_regions);
decision_imag = imag(decision_regions);
%Compute the absolute difference for real and imaginary parts
diff_real = received_real - decision_real;
diff_imag = received_imag - decision_imag;
%Compute the absolute value using Pythagorean theorem
abs_diff = sqrt(diff_real.^2+diff_imag.^2);
%Find the index corresponding to the minimum absoloute difference
% Calculate the error rate
errors = sum(bitxor(fi((data),0,8,0), fi((demodulated_symbols),0,8,0))); % Count errors
% Extract real and imaginary parts
received_signal_real = real(received_signal);
received_signal_imag = imag(received_signal);
error_rate = errors / n; % Calculate error rate
function noise = lfsr_noise(n)
% Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) for pseudo-random number generation
% Initialize LFSR state
lfsr_state = uint32(1);
noise = zeros(1, n,'like',fi(0,1,16,10));
for i = 1:n
% Generate pseudo-random bit using xor feedback
new_bit = bitxor(bitget(lfsr_state, 1), bitget(lfsr_state, 3));
lfsr_state = bitshift(lfsr_state, -1);
lfsr_state = bitset(lfsr_state, 32, new_bit);
noise(i) = fi(lfsr_state,0,32,0) / fi(intmax('uint32'),1,16,10); % Scale [0,1]
function data = lfsr_data(n)
% Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) for generating random data
% Initialize LFSR state
lfsr_state = uint32(1);
data = zeros(1, n, 'uint8');
for i = 1:n
% Generate pseudo-random bit using xor feedback
new_bit = bitxor(bitget(lfsr_state, 1), bitget(lfsr_state, 3));
lfsr_state = bitshift(lfsr_state, -1);
lfsr_state = bitset(lfsr_state, 32, new_bit);
data(i) = fi((mod(lfsr_state,4)),0,2,0); % Generate random values in the range [0, 3]
function cos_value = cos_lookup(angle)
% Precompute cosine values for a range of angles
angles =fi( (0:0.01:2*pi),1,32,10); % Define the range of angles (adjust the step size as needed)
cos_values = fi((cos(angles)),1,16,10); % Compute cosine values
% Interpolate the cosine value for the given angle
cos_value = fi((zeros(size(angle))),1,16,10);
for i = 1:numel(angle)
function y = log2_approx(x)
%Fixed-point logarithm base 2 approximation
y = fi(0,1,32,10);%Initialize y as fixed-point format
one = fi(1,1,32,10);%Define one in the same fixed-point format
sqrt2 = fi((sqrt(2)),1,32,10);%Define sqrt(2) in the same fixed -point format
for i = 1:32 %Limiting the iterations to 32 to avoid infinite loop
if x > one
x = bitsra(x,1);
y = fi((y + one),1,32,10);
frac = fi (0.5,1,32,10);
for i = 1:32
if x < one
x = bitsll(x,1);
y =fi( (y - one),1,32,10);
frac = fi (0.5,1,32,10);
two_pow_neg32 = fi((2^-32),1,32,10);
for i = 1:32
if x >= sqrt2
x = divide(x,sqrt2);
y =fi((y + frac) , 1,32,10);
frac = divide(frac,2);
function y = log10_approx(x)
%Approximate log10 function using a fixed-point approach
y = log2_approx(x)/ log2_approx(fi(10,1,32,10));
function result = divide(a,b)
%custom fixed-point division function
result = a/b;
result = fi(result,a.Signed,a.WordLength,a.FractionLength);

回答(1 个)

Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali 2024-6-15
编辑:Kiran Kintali 2024-6-16
Please review MATLAB design patterns here.
You need to break your design into MATLAB DUT design.m (which becomes the chip) a testbench testbench.m (tests the chip). You are required to use MATLAB to HDL code generation subset in the design.m file. Please share a runme.m file that uses codegen commands.
Try a sample example
>> mlhdlc_demo_setup('heq')
another example here
>> mlhdlc_demo_setup('fft')
a comms data packet example can be found with this commd
>> mlhdlc_demo_setup('comms')
If you can share the original MATLAB design and testbench and the hdlcoder project file or a runme file with the codegen commands that would be very helpful.
The file you have shared seems to be an intermediate file auto generated in the integrated MATLAB float to fixed conversion.
  2 个评论
Jayaprakash K P
Jayaprakash K P 2024-6-17
i dont have access to runme file , but here is my original matlab design :
close all;
% Constants
aircraft_altitude = 45000; % Altitude of the aircraft in feet
distance_km = linspace(1 , 500 , 100); % Distance between aircraft and base station in kilometers
n = 1000; % Number of samples
% Pathloss model - Free Space Path Loss (FSPL)
fc = 1.5e9; % Carrier frequency in Hz (1.5GHz)
lambda = physconst('LightSpeed') / fc; % Wavelength
path_loss_dB = fspl(distance_km * 1e3, lambda); % Path loss in dB
% Shadowing and fading
k = 10; % Rician Factor
mean_rician = sqrt(k / (k + 1)); % Mean of Rician fading
sigma_rician = sqrt(1 / (2 * (k + 1))); % Standard deviation of Rician Fading
rician_fading = mean_rician * randn(1, n) + sigma_rician * randn(1, n) * 1i; % Rician fading samples
SNR_dB = 10; % Signal to noise ratio in dB
SNR = 10^(SNR_dB / 10); % Convert SNR to linear scale
tx_power = 1; % Initial guess for transmit power
noise_power = tx_power / SNR; % Noise power based on SNR
awgn_noise = sqrt(noise_power / 2) * (randn(1, n) + 1i * randn(1, n)); % AWGN samples
% Doppler spread
aircraft_speed_min = 330; % Minimum aircraft speed in meters per second
aircraft_speed_max = 990; % Maximum aircraft speed in meteres per second
aircraft_speed = (aircraft_speed_max - aircraft_speed_min) * randn(1, n) + aircraft_speed_min; % Random aircraft speeds within the specified range
fd = (aircraft_speed * 1000) / physconst('LightSpeed'); % Doppler frequency shift
% Modulation
data = randi([0, 3], 1, n); % Generate random bits
qpsk_symbols = exp(1i * pi / 4 * data); % QPSK modulation: symbol mapping to complex constellation points
% Channel simulation
received_signal_rician_doppler = qpsk_symbols .* rician_fading .* exp(1i * 2 * pi * fd .* (1:n)) + awgn_noise; % Received signal in Rician fading channel
received_signal_awgn = qpsk_symbols + awgn_noise; % Received signal in AWGN channel
% Preallocate arrays to store demodulated symbols
demod_rician_doppler = zeros(1, n);
demod_awgn = zeros(1, n);
%loop for demodulation
for i = 1:n
% Compute Euclidean distance for each symbol
distances_rician = abs(received_signal_rician_doppler(i) - qpsk_symbols);
distances_awgn = abs(received_signal_awgn(i) - qpsk_symbols);
% Find the index with the minimum distance
[~, idx_rician] = min(distances_rician);
[~, idx_awgn] = min(distances_awgn);
% Map the index back to the original symbol
demod_rician_doppler(i) = idx_rician - 1;
demod_awgn(i) = idx_awgn - 1;
%Bit Error Rate (BER)Calculation
ber_rician = sum(data ~= demod_rician_doppler) / (2*n); %BER in Rician fading channel
ber_awgn = sum(data ~=demod_awgn) / (2*n); %BER in awgn channel
%Transmit signal
tx_symbols = qpsk_symbols; %QPSK symbols transmitted
% Plot transmitted constellation diagram
subplot(3 , 2 , 1);
plot(real(qpsk_symbols), imag(qpsk_symbols),'bo'); % Plot transmitted symbols
title('Transmitted Constellation(QPSK)');
axis equal;
grid on;
% Plot received signals in Rician fading and AWGN channels
subplot(3 , 2 , 2);
plot(real(received_signal_rician_doppler), imag(received_signal_rician_doppler), 'r.'); % Plot received signal with Doppler in Rician fading channel
hold on;
plot(real(received_signal_awgn), imag(received_signal_awgn), 'b.'); % Plot received signal with doppler in AWGN channel
title ('Received signals with Doppler Spread');
axis equal;
grid on;
legend ('Rician Fading + Doppler', 'AWGN');
% Plot Doppler effect
subplot(3 , 2 , 3);
plot (1:n, fd);
title('Doppler Spread Effect');
xlabel('Sample Index');
ylabel ('Doppler Frequency Shift');
grid on;
% Plot received constellation diagrams in Rician Fading and AWGN channels
subplot(3, 2, 4);
plot(real(demod_rician_doppler), imag(demod_rician_doppler),'ro'); % Plot detected symbols in Rician fading channel
title('Received Constellation with Doppler (Rician Fading)');
axis equal;
grid on;
subplot(3, 2 , 5);
plot(real(demod_awgn), imag(demod_awgn),'bo'); % Plot detected symbols in AWGN channel
title('Received constellation (AWGN)');
axis equal;
grid on;
% Pathloss Graph
subplot(3 , 2 , 6);
plot(distance_km, path_loss_dB, 'b-');
title('Path Loss vs. Distance');
xlabel('Distance (km)');
ylabel('Path Loss (dB)');
grid on;
%Display results
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (BER) in Rician Fading Channel : %f\n', ber_rician);
Bit Error Rate (BER) in Rician Fading Channel : 0.428500
fprintf('Bit Error Rate (BER) in AWGN Channel: %f\n', ber_awgn);
Bit Error Rate (BER) in AWGN Channel: 0.500000
Jayaprakash K P
Jayaprakash K P 2024-6-17
and this is the test bench for the matlab function that ive been uploading on the hdl code genrator :
function test_modulation_channel()
%Test 1:AWGN channel
n=100;%Number of sampples
channel_type = 0;%AWGN Channel
assert(true,'hdl_compatible_code should run without errors for AWGN channel');
%Test 2:Rician Fading Channel
n = 100; %Number of samples
channel_type = 1; %Rician channel
assert(true,'hdl_compatible_code should run without errors for Rician channel');
%Test 3:Invalid channel type
n = 100;%Number of samples
channel_type = 2; %Invalid channel type
assert(false,'hdl_compatible_code should throw an error for invalid channel type');
catch e
assert(strcmp(e.identifier,'hdl_compatible_code:UnknownChannelType'),'hdl_compatible_code should throw an error with identifier ''hdl_compatible_code:UnknownChannelType''');
fprintf('All tests passed!\n');



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