ROS2 Toolbox error when I try to add custom service/message

35 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi Guys,
I have been facing this problem for some days when I try to change the parameters of the ROS2 blocks
Error: ros.slros2.internal.block.ServiceCallBlockMask.dispatch('serviceEdit',gcb) caused by: cell array input must be a cell array of character vectors
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04
Matlab version: (R2023b) Update 8
  4 个评论
Jagadeesh Konakalla
Hi Federico,
Can you describe more about your workflow ?
I would like to know which version of MATLAB that you are using. Please note that ros2RegisterMessages works only on same OS platform and same release of MATLAB. Also let me know how you created custom message generation on other machine.
Jagadeesh K.
federico ciresola
federico ciresola 2024-7-25
Hi Jagadeesh,
sorry for my delay in answering your comment. I know that ros2RegisterMessages only works on the same OS platform and the same release of MATLAB.
My workflow that I was trying is as follows:
  1. from the Matlab Project in a X folder, I created the custom message with the following command: ros2genmsg(<path_custom_msg_srv>,CreateShareableFile=true);
  2. on the same machine, I copied the .zip (generated by the command above) into the Y folder
  3. I ran the following command: ros2RegisterMessages(<path where is the zip file>)
after this procedure, when I open Simulink and I click on the ROS2 block, the error (that I have reported in the main message) starts to appear. I have found that If I remove the `~/.matlab` folder, the problem disappears
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04
Matlab version: (R2023b) Update 8


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