how can i convert RGB to HSV and LAB in this code?

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function [H] = MethodMTCD(citRGB, binsR, binsG, binsB, binsTheta)
%%MTCD function
% image = 'D:\Dataset\Corel\346.jpg';
binsTheta = 18;
glcm = 16;
binsR = 4;
binsG = 4;
binsB = 4;
panjangFitur = (binsR*binsG*binsB)+binsTheta+glcm;
% citRGB = 'D:\Project Take Over\CBIR\Dataset\Batik\BatikTest\B2_1.jpg';
% citRGB = imread(image);
R = citRGB(:,:,1);
G = citRGB(:,:,2);
B = citRGB(:,:,3);
% Edge detection Sobel
[ RX, RY ] = SobelEdgeDetection(R);
[ GX, GY ] = SobelEdgeDetection(G);
[ BX, BY ] = SobelEdgeDetection(B);
% |a| dan |b|
a = sqrt( RX.^2 + GX.^2 + BX.^2 );
b = sqrt( RY.^2 + GY.^2 + BY.^2 );
% ab
ab = (RX .* RY) + (GX .* GY) + (BX .* BY);
%%Edge Quantization
[bar, kol] = size(a);
% binsTheta = 18;
theta = zeros(bar,kol);
for i = 1:bar
for j = 1:kol
if (a(i,j) == 0 || b(i,j) == 0)
cosab1= 0;
cosab1= ab(i,j)/(a(i,j)*b(i,j));
theta1 = acosd(cosab1);
theta(i,j) = floor(theta1 * (binsTheta/180));
if (theta(i,j) >= binsTheta-1)
theta(i,j) = binsTheta-1;
KuantisasiTheta = theta;
%%Color Quantization
% mengkuantisasi R menjadi 4 bins, G menjadi 4 bins dan B menjadi 4 bins
% setelah mengkuantisasi, selanjutnya kuantisasi 3 kanal tersebut di gabung
% menjadi 1
% binsR = 4;
KuantisasiR = kuantisasi(binsR, R,255);
% binsG = 4;
KuantisasiG = kuantisasi(binsG, G,255);
% binsB = 4;
KuantisasiB = kuantisasi(binsB, B,255);
KuantisasiColor = (binsB*binsG*KuantisasiR)+(binsB+KuantisasiG) + KuantisasiB;
maxKuantisasi = binsR*binsG*binsB;
%%texton detection
%%feature representation
[H, HH, HV, HLD, HRD, HHB, HVR] = FeatureRepMTCD(KuantisasiColor, KuantisasiTheta, ...
maxKuantisasi, binsTheta );

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-6-2
Simply use the functions rgb2hsv() and rgb2lab():
labImage = rgb2lab(rgbImage);
hsvImage = rgb2hsv(rgbImage);


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