How I can read chb01_03.edf.seizures file from CHB MIT database in MATLAB? As I am using this file for seizure detection required in my reasearch, Plz provide function to read this file.

26 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I use edfread to read chb01_03.edf.seizures giving error!!!
Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.
Error in edfread1 (line 141)
hdr.label{ii} = regexprep(fread(fid,16,'*char')','\W','');
Error in Data_read_29_6_15_Seiz (line 3)

回答(3 个)

Alex 2016-1-8
编辑:Walter Roberson 2016-1-9
I used this code that I got from comparing bytes in .edf.seizure files to the summary of the data in the folder:
function [ seizure_start_time_offset_in_seconds, seizure_length_in_seconds ] = get_seizure_period( annotation_file_location )
file_descriptor = fopen(annotation_file_location);
byte_array = fread(file_descriptor);
seizure_start_time_offset_in_seconds = bin2dec(strcat(dec2bin(byte_array(39)),dec2bin(byte_array(42))));
seizure_length_in_seconds = byte_array(50);
  6 个评论
Naznin Sultana
Naznin Sultana 2018-2-13
编辑:Walter Roberson 2018-2-13
I have the similar problem. I can not read .seizure file from CBH_MIT database. What does this function
function [ seizure_start_time_offset_in_seconds, seizure_length_in_seconds ] = get_seizure_period( annotation_file_location )
do? How can i get seizure data and plot it?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2015-6-29
I do not see edfread1() anywhere. Have you tried edfread2() or readEDF()
  4 个评论
Varsha Harpale
Varsha Harpale 2015-6-29
With ReadEDF I can read normal chb01.edf but for chb01.edf.seizures having error!!!!!
[c1,b2]= ReadEDF('chb01_03.edf.seizures'); Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ReadEDF (line 17) header.patientID = char(hdr(9:88)); % 80 ascii : local patient identification


Itaf BEN SLIMEN 2018-6-20
i have the same problem oen between you can open thhis file .edf.seizures



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