Upload files to webservers using Matlab's webread/webwrite or urlread2, urlreadpost

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Hi, I am trying to upload a file to a webserver using an api. I can read the contents of the file to a string (using fileread) and then pass that to the api (see expected api payload below). I have used Matlab's in-built functions (webread, webwrite for accessing APIs), urlread2 and urlreadpost but havent been successful. I modified the code in urlreadpost.m:
boundary = '---------------------------';%'BoUnDaRyStRiNg';%'***********************';
urlConnection.setRequestProperty( ...
'Content-Type',['multipart/form-data; boundary=',boundary]);
printStream = java.io.PrintStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream);
% also create a binary stream
% dataOutputStream = java.io.DataOutputStream(urlConnection.getOutputStream);
eol = [char(13),char(10)];
for i=1:2:length(params)
printStream.print(['Content-Disposition: form-data; name="',params{i},'"']);
if ischar(params{i+1})
% binary data is uploaded as an octet stream
% Echo Nest API demands a filename in this case
printStream.print(['; filename="file.wrg"',eol]);
printStream.print(['Content-Type: application/octet-stream',eol]);
% printStream.print(['--',boundary,'--',eol]);
The expected the request payload for the API should look like this.
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="wrg_file"; filename="Breivikfjellet_windoku.wrg"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
14 11 606338 7140563 373
GridPoint 606338 7140563 200 80 4.51 2.000 0 12 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200 80 45 200
GridPoint 611187 7144293 200 80 9.03 2.000 0 12 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200 80 90 200

回答(1 个)

Vinod 2016-10-14
Here's an example that uploads any file from MATLAB to DropBox programmatically:

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