my faceDetector = vision.Cas​cadeObject​Detector does not work

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have MATLAB R2015a and the command faceDetector = vision.CascadeObjectDetector(); does not work in it. I do have the computer vision toolbox. The error display says Undefined variable "vision" or class "vision.CascadeObjectDetector".
  2 个评论
John  Wick
John Wick 2023-7-6
function Lung_Cancer(path) subplot(4,2,1); imshow(path); title("Step:1 Original Image"); img=rgb2gray(imread(path)); subplot(4,2,2); imshow(img); title("Step:2 Gray Image"); J=medfilt3(img); subplot(4,2,3); imshow(J); title("Step:3 Median Filter"); K = imadjust(J,[],[],2.5); subplot(4,2,4); imshow(K); title("Step:4 Contrast Adjust"); level = graythresh(K); BW = imbinarize(K,level); subplot(4,2,5); imshow(BW); title("Step:5 Binary Image"); SE = strel('disk',7); BW2 = imopen(BW, SE); subplot(4,2,6); imshow(BW2); title("Step:6 Opening Operation"); BW3 = imclearborder(BW2); subplot(4,2,7); imshow(BW3); title("Step:7 Clearing Border"); BW3 = imfill(BW3,"holes"); subplot(4,2,8); imshow(BW3); title("Step:8 Holes Filling"); props=regionprops(BW3, 'Area', 'Perimeter', 'Eccentricity'); disp("Area: "+props.Area); disp("Perimeter: "+props.Perimeter); disp("Eccentricity: "+props.Eccentricity);
John  Wick
John Wick 2023-7-6
image = imread('jump.jpg'); [height, width, planes] = size(image); rgb = reshape(image, height, width * planes); imagesc(rgb); r = image(:, :, 1); g = image(:, :, 2); b = image(:, :, 3); threshold = 100; imagesc(b < threshold); blueness = double(b) - max(double(r), double(g)); imagesc(blueness); mask = blueness < 20; imagesc(mask); labels = bwlabel(mask); id = labels(200, 200); man = (labels == id); imagesc(man); imshow(man);


回答(2 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2015-9-21
Do you have the Computer Vision System Toolbox installed?

Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin 2015-9-21
编辑:Dima Lisin 2015-9-21
If you type
>> ver
Do you see Computer Vision System Toolbox among the installed products?
  2 个评论
John  Wick
John Wick 2023-7-6
I = imread('C:\Users\19b-099-cs\Desktop\pic.png'); imshow(I); >> Igray = rgb2gray(I); imshow(Igray); >> Ibw = im2bw(Igray,graythresh(Igray)); imshow(Ibw); >> Iedge = edge(uint8(Ibw)); imshow(Iedge); >> se = strel('square',2); Iedge2 = imdilate(Iedge, se); >> imshow(Iedge2); >> Ifill= imfill(Iedge2,'holes'); imshow(Ifill); >> [Ilabel, num] = bwlabel(Ifill); disp(num); Iprops = regionprops(Ilabel); Ibox = [Iprops.BoundingBox]; Ibox = reshape(Ibox,[4 50]); imshow(I) 50 >> hold on; for cnt = 1:50 rectangle('position',Ibox(:,cnt),'edgecolor','r'); end



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