Hi , I'm new to matlab with fsolve and I get not enough input arguments everytime. Can someone please as what am I missing. Many Thanks

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function AAHydro
p = parameter;
Delta_T_adiabat = p.dTad
Zulaufkonzentration = p.c_AA_0
x0 = [-5;-5];
options= optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter'); % Option to display output
[x,fval] = fsolve(@myfun, x0, options); % Call solver
function dx = myfun(x)
% x(1) = Concnetration in the reactor
% x(2) = Temperature of reactor
p= parameter;
dx(1) = (p.c_AA_0-x(1))/p.tau + p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*(x(1))^p.n;
dx(2) = (p.Tin - x(2))/p.tau + p.dTad*p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*x(1))^p.n;
dx = dx';
function p = parameter()
p.R = 8.3145; % [J/molK]
p.Tin = 30 + 273.15; % [K]
p.n = 0.94;
p.rho = 1000; % [kg/m^3]
p.cp = 4.186; % [kJ/kgK]
p.vol = 0.56; % [l]
p.dHr = -55.5; % [kJ/mol]
p.MAA = 102.09; % [g/mol]
p.rho_AA = 1.08; % [g/cm^3]
% p.Vdot_AA = 1.114 ; % [l/h]
p.Vdot_AA = 0.3 ; % [l/h]
p.Vdot_W = 3.6; % [l/h]
p.Vdot_total = p.Vdot_AA + p.Vdot_W; % [l/h]
p.tau = p.vol/p.Vdot_total*60*60; % [s]
p.c_AA_0 = ((p.Vdot_AA*p.rho_AA*1000)/p.MAA)/p.Vdot_total; % [mol/l]
p.dTad = -p.dHr*p.c_AA_0/(1e-03*p.rho*p.cp); % [K]
p.kinf = 139390; % [1/s]
p.EA = 44.35; % [kJ/mol]


Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2015-11-24
Perhaps you should pass your parameters as follows:
p = parameter(); % get the parameters into the workspace
[x,fval] = fsolve(@(x)myfun(x,p), x0, options); % Call solver
where you change the function myfun as follows:
function dx = myfun(x,p)
% x(1) = Concnetration in the reactor
% x(2) = Temperature of reactor
dx = [0;0]; % initialize
dx(1) = (p.c_AA_0-x(1))/p.tau + p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*(x(1))^p.n;
dx(2) = (p.Tin - x(2))/p.tau + p.dTad*p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*x(1))^p.n;
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation
  2 个评论
raviteja peri
raviteja peri 2015-11-25
It helped me, thanks alan. I use this fsolve in a function which I will be using it in mz function with fmincon. It gives an error sazing user supplied objective function must return a scalar value. Could you please an insight about it. Thanks so much for the above help. I tried yesterday and I could run the program after few trials but your method result is more accurate.
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2015-11-30
If you are asking what the fmincon error means, you should know that fmincon requires the objective function to return a scalar value. This means not a vector or matrix, a scalar. You should check what your fmincon objective function returns for your initial value x0.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation


更多回答(1 个)

raviteja peri
raviteja peri 2015-11-25
编辑:Walter Roberson 2015-11-25
clear all;
close all;
A =[];
b =[];
Aeq =[];
beq =[];
lb = [0 0 813.5 310];
ub = [1.7e-6 9.4e-5 814.5 340];
x0 = [8.6667e-8 6.66667e-7 814 325];
options = optimset('Algorithm','interior-point','Hessian','bfgs',...
[x]= fmincon(@myfun,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon,options);
function AAHydro
close all;
clear all;
p = parameter(); % get the parameters into the workspace
Delta_T_adiabat = p.dTad
Zulaufkonzentration = p.c_AA_0
x0 = [5;5];
options= optimoptions('fsolve','Display','iter'); % Option to display output
[x,fval] = fsolve(@(x)myfun(x,p), x0, options); % Call solver
function [c,ceq]= mycon(x)
p= parameter();
c= (x(1)*p.rho_A.A)/(p.MAA*(x(1)+x(2)));
ceq= myfun(x);
function dx = myfun(x,p)
% x(1) = Concnetration in the reactor
% x(2) = Temperature of reactor
dx = [0;0]; % initialize
dx(1) = (p.c_AA_0-x(1))/p.tau + p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*(x(1))^p.n;
dx(2) = (p.Tin - x(2))/p.tau + p.dTad*p.kinf*exp(-p.EA*1000/(p.R*x(2)))*(x(1))^p.n;
function p = parameter()
% Parameter
p.kinf= 936589 ; %[1/s]
p.EA= 49900; %[J/mol]
p.Rg= 8.314 ; %[J/mol*K]
p.V= 0.00026533 ; %[m3]
p.F_H2o=6.6667e-7; % m3/s Flowrate of H2o
p.F_A.A= 8.6667e-8; % m3/s Flowrate of A.A
p.F_Total= 7.53333e-7 ;% m3/s Total Flowrate
p.c_AA_0= 814 ; %[mol/m3] initial concentration
p.Delta_HR= -56.6 ;%[kJ/mol]
p.rho_cp= 4184 ;%[kJ/K*m3]
p.n=0.94 ; % reaction order
p.theTaw = 25; %0C mean temperature
p.theTao = 20; %0C initial temp in the reactor
p.MAA=0.10209; % kg/mol
p.rho_A.A= 1080; % kg/m3
p.tau= p.V/p.F_Total;
p.dTad= -p.Delta_HR*p.c_AA_0/(p.rho_cp);
  4 个评论
Stephen23 2015-11-25
编辑:Stephen23 2015-11-25
Sure, but this is an Answer. We can see that it is an answer because the text-field title was "Answer this question", where you posted the code. It helps us when you stick to using the comments for commenting and adding more information on your original question. The comment links are titled "Comment on this Answer" or "Comment on this Question".
You still have not asked a question, so it is not clear why you have shown us this code. IS the code doing something that you do not expect? How can we help you with it? It would be nice to get an explanation from you, as our mindreading abilities are not very well developed.



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