Can't get all the rows in my table that have any missing values and remove those rows

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi there,
I am trying to remove my table (of a combination of double, cell arrays and duration arrays) of any rows which have missing values. For example, a subset of the table is:
'' '' '441' '0'
'' '' '5' '0'
'No' '' '2889' '0'
'No' 'Clicks' '2894' '0'
'' '' '' '0'
'' '' '5' '0'
'No' 'ROD' '3591' '1'
'' '' '' '0'
I tried this link.
My code is:
badRows = ismissing(finalnbs);
T = finalnbs(~badRows, :);
However, this results in an error:
Row index exceeds table dimensions.
What am I doing wrong, and what code do I need to achieve my need?
  4 个评论
Guillaume 2015-12-18
Also, don't put questions in the title, particularly if it is a different question than in the body.
Both the cyclist and I answer your question in the body (remove any row which has missing value). The answer to remove any row that has more than x missing values is completely different
Dhruv Ghulati
Dhruv Ghulati 2015-12-18
Apologies, you are right, here the question in the title doesn't match the question in the body given. For the sake of other readers I am amending the title.



the cyclist
the cyclist 2015-12-18
This should solve it for you:
A = {
'' '' '441' '0';
'' '' '5' '0';
'No' '' '2889' '0';
'No' 'Clicks' '2894' '0';
'' '' '' '0';
'' '' '5' '0';
'No' 'ROD' '3591' '1';
'' '' '' '0'};
T = cell2table(A)
badEntry = ismissing(T);
badRow = any(badEntry,2)
T = T(~badRow, :);

更多回答(1 个)

Guillaume 2015-12-18
编辑:Guillaume 2015-12-18
badRows is an m*n logical array, where m is the number of rows and n the number of columns of your table. So it has m*n elements. You're then using that as a row index into your table, so of course, matlab can't fit m*n values into m values.
To fix this, use the any (or all) function:
T = finalnbs(~any(badrows, 2), :);
T = finalnbs(all(~badrows, 2), :);
P.S.: this answer your question on how to remove any row which has missing value. If you want to remove rows have more than x missing values, then you use sum instead:
T = finalnbs(sum(badrows, 2) <= x, :);


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