Extending the maximum line length for Command Window display

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
Error: "Output truncated. Text exceeds maximum line length of 25,000 characters for Command Window display." Is there a easy way of extending the maximum line length for Command Window display?

回答(1 个)

Jan 2016-4-26
Output in the command window is useful, if anybody reads it. Nobody will read 25'000 characters per line. Therefore instead of adjusting the width, prefer to omit the huge output.
  2 个评论
Philosophaie 2016-4-26
Is there a way to condense the answer. There is a lot of: ....1234567.87867655*(cos(t)*a^2-sin(t)*b^2)/5456778867566.656677878....
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2016-4-26
Try using simplify or vpa or perhaps one of the functions listed on this documentation page to rearrange/reorder/simplify the symbolic expression.



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