VLAD-k exmaple I wrote, is this correct? Especially for the assignment step? Thanks.
numFeatures = 5000 ;
dimension = 2 ;
data = rand(dimension,numFeatures) ; % Data is used to train the VLAD encoding
numDataToBeEncoded = 1000;
dataToBeEncoded = rand(dimension,numDataToBeEncoded);
numClusters = 30 ;
centers = vl_kmeans(data, numClusters);
kdtree = vl_kdtreebuild(centers) ;
nn = vl_kdtreequery(kdtree, centers, dataToBeEncoded,'NUMNEIGHBORS', k) ; % k is the number of nearest neighbors
assignments = zeros(numClusters,numDataToBeEncoded);
assignments(sub2ind(size(assignments), nn, 1:length(nn))) = 1; % is here still correct for VLAD-k? nn is a matrix now
enc = vl_vlad(dataToBeEncoded,centers,assignments);