plotting a simple constant

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Matlab strikes again with stupidity
Been using matlab for years and still fighting ridiculous problems
x = [1:.5:10]
y = x.*4;
Z = 4
plot(x,y,'blue'); hold on
plot (x,Z,'red')
Why won't this give me a simple plot with both functions on it. Totally insane. It gives me the x*4 plot but will not give me the constant 4


Anatoly Kozlov
Anatoly Kozlov 2020-4-6
编辑:Anatoly Kozlov 2020-4-6
x = 0:0.001:1;
const = @(x)(c).*x.^(0);
plot(x, const(x))

更多回答(3 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2016-9-17
Sometime in your years of using MATLAB you probably ran across ones() function but forgot about it. You need to use it so that, for each value of x, you have a value for Z. Here is the correct way to do it.
x = [1 : 0.5 : 10]
y = x .* 4
% Now declare a constant array Z
% with one element for each element of x.
Z = 4 * ones(1, length(x));
plot(x, y, 'b', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold on
plot(x, Z, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2)
grid on;
Otherwise, your Z had only 1 element, not 1 for every value of x so it won't plot a point at every value of x.
  5 个评论
Robert 2016-9-17
After further research I have decided for myself the best way to do it is to plot the unit step function with whatever gain you need.
Paul 2024-3-2
Since R2018b, yline is probably the way to go
x = [1:.5:10];
y = x.*4;
Z = 4;
plot(x,y,'blue'); hold on
%plot (x,Z,'red')


sunny 2024-3-2
x =1:.5:10;
y = x.*4;
Z = 4;
hold on
plot (x,n,'red');
hold off;

Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2024-3-2
Before I discovered other special non-math functions like ones() and yline(), I used to rely on certain math tricks, such as the sign function, to plot a constant y-value over a specified x range. The concept was to treat plotting as if it were any other vector in a finite-dimensional Euclidean space. However, this trick had a fatal flaw when attempting to plot the constant y-value over , as . Therefore, it was necessary to adjust or shift the 'goalpost' to overcome this limitation.
Example 1: Using the sign function
x = 1:0.5:10;
y1 = 4*x;
y2 = 4*sign(x.^2);
plot(x, y1, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
plot(x, y2, 'linewidth', 2), grid on
xlim([x(1), x(end)])
xlabel x, ylabel y
title('Example 1: Using the sign function')
legend('y_{1}', 'y_{2}', 'fontsize', 16, 'location', 'best')
Example 2: Fatal flaw when crossing
x = -2:0.5:2;
y1 = 4*x;
y2 = 4*sign((x - 0).^2);
plot(x, y1, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
plot(x, y2, 'linewidth', 2), grid on
xlim([x(1), x(end)])
xlabel x, ylabel y
title('Example 2: Fatal flaw when crossing x = 0')
legend('y_{1}', 'y_{2}', 'fontsize', 16, 'location', 'best')
Example 3: Shifting the goalpost
x = -2:0.5:2;
y1 = 4*x;
y2 = 4*sign((x - 2*x(1)).^2);
plot(x, y1, 'linewidth', 2), hold on
plot(x, y2, 'linewidth', 2), grid on
xlim([x(1), x(end)])
xlabel x, ylabel y
title('Example 3: Shifting the goalpost')
legend('y_{1}', 'y_{2}', 'fontsize', 16, 'location', 'best')


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