MATLAB Coder GUI - how to build dll with debug symbols?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm using the MATLAB Coder GUI to build a dll and I'm working on debugging the results. To add debug symbols, I hacked the MATLAB generated make file to add the '-g' option to the CFLAGS line. What option in the MATLAB Coder GUI would do this for me?

回答(1 个)

Ji Lee
Ji Lee 2016-10-7
The "-g" equivalent for non-MEX (e.g. DLL) build types in the MATLAB Coder app is setting the Build Configuration setting to Debug. The exact location of this setting will vary somewhat depending on what release you are using. From R2015b onwards, this setting is found on the Hardware tab of the app's settings dialog on the Generate Code step. To get to this dialog, click the More Settings button on the Generate dropdown. In R2015a, this setting is found on the Toolchain tab of the same dialog.


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