Encrypt (?) or compile (?) Matlab code?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I would like to share some Matlab code with colleagues. Is there a way to let them use it w/o them being able to see the code?
I guess I am asking if there is an analog to distributing executable Fortran or C or . . . code?
Thanks, Tim


the cyclist
the cyclist 2012-3-7
Yes. See this page for details on "p-code" and the MATLAB Compiler:
These are different solutions, depending on whether or not your colleagues have MATLAB themselves or not.
  2 个评论
Jan 2012-3-7
While you cannot read the contents on the P-coded functions, it is not securely hidden what's going on inside. Therefore it is fine to hide a complicated algorithm, but e.g. a password or a login-procedure is not safe inside a P-file.
Timothy Cale
Timothy Cale 2012-3-7
Jan: I am new to Matlab. Perhaps your comment will make sense to me someday, but at this time I don't know why I would have a password and/or login procedure in Matlab code - let alone how they might be mis-used by a "distributee".


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