How to filter and arrange text in a file using textscan

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have a Log.txt file with data;
-1.1 1.1
-1.00019 1.9
-0.75007 0.75007
id type x y z
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
I wrote a code as given below to skip the first 8 lines and subsequently read the entire text and in the process leaving non-numbers.
fid = fopen('Log.txt','r');
%Advance 8 lines:
linesToSkip = 8;
for ii = 1:linesToSkip-1
%Process all remaining lines
tline = fgetl(fid);
To_Excel_Data = []; %You should allocate if you know how large your data is
while ~feof(fid)
tline = fgetl(fid);
%Getting rid of non-numbers
tline = regexprep(tline,'[^0-9\s+-.eE]','');
To_Excel_Data = [To_Excel_Data; str2num(tline)];
The Output of the code is;
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
Which is well and good. Now I am looking for help to extent the code with textscan (or an alternative) so that I can filter and group the data according to the identity of the first element in column 1 so that the output is;
1 1 0.450082 1.76687 -0.101338
1 1 0.144155 1.76642 0.108974
1 1 0.450142 1.77285 0.117999
1 1 0.486869 1.83805 0.0239884
2 1 -0.0949301 1.76202 -0.0205438
2 1 0.288044 1.85155 0.0387214
2 1 -0.318942 1.74455 -0.0651567
2 1 0.0405222 1.80871 -0.10944
3 1 0.0403266 1.78975 0.0742209
3 1 0.370195 1.81785 -0.10084
3 1 -0.198368 1.76376 0.0788363
3 1 -0.359026 1.75984 -0.00066415
4 1 0.195614 1.75958 0.0106906
4 1 0.383223 1.78207 0.0387085
4 1 0.255091 1.74895 0.0369646
4 1 -0.436089 1.73765 -0.0688759
5 1 0.227547 1.84632 -0.098714
5 1 -0.285847 1.72996 -0.00240017
5 1 -0.128421 1.72431 -0.113898
5 1 -0.15772 1.81532 -0.0857257
I look forward to your help. Thank you.


KSSV 2017-1-13
fid = fopen('LOG.txt','r') ;
S = textscan(fid,'%f','delimiter','\n','HeaderLines',9) ;
fclose(fid) ;
data = reshape(S{1},5,[])' ;
% seperate the data
[c,ia,ib] = unique(data(:,1)) ;
for i = 1:length(c)
idx = data(:,1)==c(i) ;
iwant(:,:,i) = data(idx,:) ;

更多回答(2 个)

Jan 2017-1-18
To sort the array using the first column only:
[dummy, Index] = sort(To_Excel_Data(:, 1));
To_Excel_Data = To_Excel_Data(Index, :);
  1 个评论
Theo Score
Theo Score 2017-1-18
Thank you so much Jan. The data is now arranged as I want. Just a small glitch. This is my overall code;
files = dir ('*.conveyor');
fileout = 'Merged.txt';
fout = fopen (fileout, 'w');
for cntfiles = 1:length(files)
fin = fopen (files(cntfiles).name);
linecount =0;
while ~feof(fin)
linecount = linecount + 1;
linetext = fgetl(fin);
if linecount >= 10 % Number of header lines being skipped
fprintf (fout, '%s %d\n', linetext, cntfiles);
fid = fopen('Merged.txt','r') ;
S = textscan(fid,'%f','delimiter','\n') ;
fclose(fid) ;
data = reshape(S{1},19,[])' ;
[dummy, Index] = sort (data(:,1));
data = data (Index,:);
% seperate the data
output = 'Results.xlsx';
xlswrite (output, data);
The small problem I have is that the data files are being read randomly and merged randomly. These are time series results so I want the data to be read sequentially and merged in the order. This is to say I need 1000.conveyor, 2000.conveyor, 3000.conveyor,..., (n).conveyor and the data appended in that sequence.
Thank you again.


John BG
John BG 2017-1-13
编辑:John BG 2017-1-13
the command sort sorts your data the way you are asking for
format short
ans =
1.0000 1.0000 -0.4361 1.7243 -0.1139
1.0000 1.0000 -0.3590 1.7300 -0.1094
1.0000 1.0000 -0.3189 1.7376 -0.1013
1.0000 1.0000 -0.2858 1.7446 -0.1008
2.0000 1.0000 -0.1984 1.7490 -0.0987
2.0000 1.0000 -0.1577 1.7596 -0.0857
2.0000 1.0000 -0.1284 1.7598 -0.0689
2.0000 1.0000 -0.0949 1.7620 -0.0652
3.0000 1.0000 0.0403 1.7638 -0.0205
3.0000 1.0000 0.0405 1.7664 -0.0024
3.0000 1.0000 0.1442 1.7669 -0.0007
3.0000 1.0000 0.1956 1.7729 0.0107
4.0000 1.0000 0.2275 1.7821 0.0240
4.0000 1.0000 0.2551 1.7898 0.0370
4.0000 1.0000 0.2880 1.8087 0.0387
4.0000 1.0000 0.3702 1.8153 0.0387
5.0000 1.0000 0.3832 1.8179 0.0742
5.0000 1.0000 0.4501 1.8381 0.0788
5.0000 1.0000 0.4501 1.8463 0.1090
5.0000 1.0000 0.4869 1.8516 0.1180
do you really need the rows grouped in fours?
if you find these lines useful would you please mark my answer as Accepted Answer?
To any other reader, if you find this answer of any help please click on the thumbs-up vote link,
thanks in advance for time and attention
John BG
  1 个评论
Theo Score
Theo Score 2017-1-13
编辑:Theo Score 2017-1-18
John, thank you so much, however this seems to rearrange the data per column of which this data has to be treated per row. So the data will be mixed up.



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