Feature extraction from a signal and classification

27 次查看(过去 30 天)
I was wondering if anyone could help me with a few steps or even code to get started on feature extraction from a signal. I would like to extract the features of a signal and then classify them in the classification learner app.
The data I have is a vibration signal that varies between a set of healthy bearings and bearings that are faulty.
The aim is to extract the features and then compare them in the classification app with each other to identify when bearings are faulty.
Any help is appreciated!
  3 个评论
Liyifei LiYiFei
Liyifei LiYiFei 2023-4-24


回答(7 个)

Abel Babu
Abel Babu 2017-2-22
编辑:Abel Babu 2017-2-22
Hi Harry,
This MATLAB example would be a good starting point:
The example deals with the classification of physiological signals but the features used here can be applied to classification of signals in general. The extracted features can then be fed as features for the classification app.
As suggested by Image Analyst, spectral analysis can be used to generate more features as well.
  3 个评论
Jan 2017-2-22
+1. For Matlab all signals are a list of numbers only and it does not matter what the signal means physically.
Aditya Baru
Aditya Baru 2018-5-2
编辑:Aditya Baru 2018-5-2
The new Predictive Maintenance Toolbox has a lot of capabilities that support this kind of workflow, so you could check out its documentation for more information.


Zhao Lu
Zhao Lu 2021-3-22
MATLAB has EMD function, for EEMD, the code can be downloaded from

Rahmawati Rahmawati
halo everyone, I am rahma and i am totally newbie in EEG data analysis. I got an assignment to make a classification between two conditions using spectral powers based on Raw EEG data which has been given by my Professor. but to be honest i don't know how to start with this. and here are the state: Sampling rate: 512 HZ Channel position: POz, PO1, PO2, PO3, PO4, Oz, O1, O2
any help and hints are totally helpful for me.
Thanks in advance.

karthikeyan chandrasekar
hi everyone can anyone tell me how to extract features using PCA for a signal ,i.e 8190x2 signal which is in text[matrix] format.
Thankyou in advance
  1 个评论
John Navarro
John Navarro 2021-2-2
By PCA did you mean Principal component analysis?
If so, PCA does not extract features, it evaluates their correlation and indicates the more useful ones. PCA is employed for feature selection, no feature extraction. It should be done according the expertise, the case of study, and the features of interest.


Zhao Lu
Zhao Lu 2021-3-15
  3 个评论
John Navarro
John Navarro 2021-3-22
Signal Processing. Neither of these options are in MATLAB, as far as I know.
Maybe in a forum as function made by other users.
EMD and VMD are the most similar functions you would find in the program.


litha Mbangeni
litha Mbangeni 2021-4-23
Can I simulate CEEMDAN in matlab
  2 个评论
Smith Khare
Smith Khare 2021-4-23
Yes... There is a toolbox available. You can use it to analyze the signal
Smith Khare
Smith Khare 2021-4-23
The above link could be of interest to you


Shrey Joshi
Shrey Joshi 2022-5-18
you can start by using features provided in feature extraction mode of signal labeler app.


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