GUI graph marker that moves with a slider

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello guys,
I am a complete Matlab novice and need some help. I am trying to create a GUI with push buttons reading an excel file and plotting a graph to the axes. I also need two sliders to control a marker that traces the graph. How can I set the sliders to read from the graph and trace it with a line?
  1 个评论
Jan 2017-4-19
The question is not clear. What does "tracing a graph" mean? What is "read from the graph and trace it with a line"?



Chaitral Date
Chaitral Date 2017-4-24
Please refer to the sample code given below. It will give you an idea about how you can control the position of the marker using sliders.
txt = uicontrol('Style','text',... 'Position',[400 45 120 20]); L1=line(1,1,'Marker','*'); SL1=uicontrol('Style','slider','Min',1,'Max',4,'Value',3,'Position', [400 20 120 20],... 'Callback',@(obj,~)updatestring(obj,txt,L1));
function updatestring(obj,txt,L1) txt.String=obj.Value; L1.XData=obj.Value; L1.YData=obj.Value; end
I hope this helps.

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