If I try to enlarge the base sample size of 10000 by 500 samples (in the context wie a Sensitivity Analysis) the following error message occurs:
Error using bsxfun
Out of memory. Type HELP MEMORY for your options.
Error in ipdm>distcomp (line 1008)
d = bsxfun(@minus,set1(:,1),set2(:,1)').^2;
Error in ipdm (line 364)
d = distcomp(data1,data1,params);
Error in lhcube_extend (line 89)
dd=(ipdm(Xi,'metric',2)); dd=min(dd(dd>0));
Error in AAT_sampling_extend (line 125)
Uext = lhcube_extend(U,Next,nrep) ;
The script AAT_sampling_extend produces the error. AAT_sampling_extend is integrated in the SAFE-Toolbox (and has already been used several times).
I started this with the following command:
Xext = AAT_sampling_extend(X,DistrFun,DistrPar,2*(N+N2))
- N = base sample size (N = 10.000)
- N2 = extended sample size (N2 = 500)
- X = Matrix of size 10.000 * 31
- DistrFun = Latin hyper cube sampling
- DistrPar = Parameters and their range
How can you solve the problem (without changing the source code too much)?