Multiple axes plot more than 2 axes

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I need to plot more than 6 y data for a single x data. These y data will not auto scale in a single plot.. what I was thinking of plotting with more than 2 y axes with different colour.. is there any functions in file exchange which can do this?


Jan 2017-10-14
  3 个评论
Jan 2017-10-15
I'm not sure, what you are asking for. You can normalize all signals to the range [-1, +1] and use a listbox or the ButtonDownFcn of the drawn lines to display different tick labels on the Y axis, while the tick values remain the same. Or you can set the (undocumented) property 'YLimInclude' of all but the currently focused line to 'off'. Then the auto-scaling considers the active line only.
Vick 2017-10-22
Hi Jan, Solved the problem with creating new axes for every signals and setting axes color to none and for getting different color used the below function,
Thanks for the help again..


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