generation matlab to VHDL

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Hello my friends,i convert my code matlab to VHDL with MATLAB coder ,when i tested my code c in vivadeo HLS ,i get this problem"cannot find a c test bench".what can i do about this problem?some help please.


Tim McBrayer
Tim McBrayer 2017-10-16
I'm not sure you want to be attempting to perform HLS on HDL source code. HLS is normally a C/C++ based flow, not an HDL flow. It looks like Vivado HLS is expecting the test bench to be written C/C++ due to this. In any case, this is an issue in using the Xilinx Vivado tool and not an issue with HDL Coder or other MathWorks tools.

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Kiran Kintali
Kiran Kintali 2022-3-21
SystemC Code Generation from MATLAB
Generate Synthesizable SystemC Code from MATLAB® algorithms for use with Cadence Stratus HLS Workflows


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