Triangulation of non-convex hull

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Ammar 2017-10-16
评论: Ammar 2017-11-10
Dear all, Today I have a question. How can we triangulate a non-convex hull in any dimension? For example, in attachment files, a picture of the 2D non-convex hull and I am looking to divide them into a sequence of triangles. I already read the paper in attachment file to get better understand and I tried 3 MATLAB functions:
  • 1. trep = triangulation(tri, x,y);
  • 2. T = delaunayn(dataset,{'Qt','Qbb','Qc','Qz'});
  • 3. shp = alphaShape(x,y,2);Unfortunately, these functions do not work with non-convex hulls!Please, any idea to solve this problem in 2D and in nD.
Kind regards Ammar
  5 个评论
Jan 2017-11-10
alphaShape is not restricted to convex hulls. Note that the triangulation of a non-convex hull is not unique and you need any additional knowledge to determine, which points belong to the surface and which don't. And alphaShape does exactly this.
Ammar 2017-11-10
Dear Jan, Thank you very much for this information. Forgive me if it is silly question, depend on my understanding the alphaShape works just with 2D and 3D not more !


回答(1 个)

KSSV 2017-11-10


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