Can I deploy MATLAB scripts onto my LEGO Mindstorms EV3 brick?

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I create a Simulink model using blocks from the Simulink Support Package for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Hardware, I can build my model and it deploys to my LEGO EV3 brick. The deployed model gets saved in a menu on the LEGO EV3 brick, so I can run my model on the LEGO EV3 without having the robot connected to my computer.
Could I do the same for MATLAB scripts? Is there a way to deploy MATLAB scripts onto my LEGO EV3 using the MATLAB Support Package for LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Hardware such that I can run them without having the robot connected to my computer?


MathWorks Support Team
Code can only be deployed to the LEGO EV3 Brick using Simulink. With the MATLAB Support Package, you can communicate with the LEGO EV3 Brick using MATLAB scripts. However, you cannot deploy a MATLAB script such that it is a stand-alone program.  
Much of MATLAB’s functionality can be implemented in Simulink. The suggested workaround would be to model the desired functionality in Simulink instead. This can be done by either using the blocks provided by Simulink or by using a MATLAB function block in your Simulink model.
Note that if you choose to use a MATLAB function block, ensure you are only using functions that are supported for code generation. To see a list of functions that are supported for code generation, see the following documentation link:

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