saving the output image

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Sneha P S
Sneha P S 2018-2-9
Ineed to save my output image using a filename in one folder? How is it possible?


Jan 2018-3-8
编辑:Jan 2018-3-8
Folder = 'C:\Your\Folder';
File = 'Image.png';
Img = rand(640, 480, 3);
imwrite(Img, fullfile(Folder, File));
  3 个评论
Kashyap Koshti
Kashyap Koshti 2020-7-20
can it rewrite on same image?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-7-20
Yes, you can overwrite an existing image.


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