how can i run spam toolbox ?

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
please how can i run spam tool box the error is
>> test_image
Attempt to execute SCRIPT mexExtractPatches as a function:
Error in test_image (line 8)
why the error occur


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-2-10
编辑:Walter Roberson 2018-2-10
If you are using then as we discussed before, the compile script does not expect to function properly with gcc (MinGW is gcc) on MS Windows, and you probably need to use Visual Studios with -std=c++11 and might also need to make a small change to the source that I described for you before.
  2 个评论
muthana naeem
muthana naeem 2018-2-11
my friend i change the compiler to vs c++ 2015 but when run compile_octave.m i found this problem as in the attachment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-2-11
This resource is for MATLAB. Octave support is described at


更多回答(2 个)

Jan 2018-2-10
The readers cannot guess, which toolbox you are talking of. Maybe: ?
Then the solution is, not to work inside the folder, which contains the M-file. So use cd to change the current directory to anything but D:\projectresearch2\matlabworks\spamsmatlabv26\build.
  1 个评论
muthana naeem
muthana naeem 2018-2-10
i know that but the build file contain m file as in the attachment and move to the directory of it but still not work


sufyan masood
sufyan masood 2018-8-18
hello can any one tell about sparsify subband signal and subband modification of subband signals coeffiects in compressive signal. kindly guide me about it. i will be highly thankful to all for help me counter this problem.
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-8-18
Sorry, this is a resource for questions about Mathworks products, not a resource for explaining signal processing or algorithms.



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