The better way is to convert your data to text (or CSV) file first by MS Word...
But, anyway, if you have to read from MS Word file, the following code can do that.
% Full path to the MS Word file
filePath = fullfile(pwd,'yourData.docx');
% Read MS Word file using actxserver function
word = actxserver('Word.Application');
wdoc = word.Documents.Open(filePath);
txt = wdoc.Content.Text;
% Extract 'Type' column and save as CSV file
c = textscan(txt,'%s%f%s%f%f%f%s','HeaderLines',1);
If you have Text Analytics Toolbox, you can do this more easily, like:
% Full path to the MS Word file
filePath = fullfile(pwd,'yourData.docx');
% Read MS Word file using extractFileText function
str = extractFileText(filePath)
str = strrep(str,[newline newline],newline);
% Extract 'Type' column and save as CSV file
c = textscan(str,'%s%f%s%f%f%f%s','HeaderLines',1);