the dimensions of matrix and the size is different?

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
I reshaped the dimensions of my matrix in my code. When i run this:
x=[M,N] y=[M2,P]
i get the following answer x =
335 80
y =
335 2
However, when i check the size with this command sz1= size(x) sz2=size(y)
i get the following answer: sz1 =
1 2
sz2 =
1 2
my code is this
function d = disteu(x, y) % DISTEU Pairwise Euclidean distances between columns of two matrices % % Input: % x, y: Two matrices whose each column is an a vector data. % % Output: % d: Element d(i,j) will be the Euclidean distance between two % column vectors X(:,i) and Y(:,j) % % Note: % The Euclidean distance D between two vectors X and Y is: % D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
% D = sum((x-y).^2).^0.5
[M, N] = size(x);
[M2, P] = size(y);
if (M ~= M2)
[M,N]= size(C);
end x=[M,N] y=[M2,P]
sz1= size(x) sz2= size(y)
d = zeros(N, P);
if (N < P) copies = zeros(1,P); for n = 1:N d(n,:) = sum((x(:, n+copies) - y) .^2, 1); end else copies = zeros(1,N); for p = 1:P d(:,p) = sum((x - y(:, p+copies)) .^2, 1)'; end end
d = d.^0.5;
  2 个评论
M 2018-3-21
x =
335 80
then it is a vector of dimension 1x2 : one row, two columns. So the size that you get does correspond. What is the problem ?


回答(1 个)

Jan 2018-3-21
This is exactly the expected behavior.
x = [M,N]
y = [M2,P]
This concatenates the scalars M and N, as well as M2 and P horizontally. Then both variables have the dimensions [1, 2], as the size() command tells you. The contents of x and y can be [335, 80] and [335, 2], but this is no contradiction.
  6 个评论
Jan 2018-3-21
B = rand(314, 1); % For testing only, use your data
B(355, 16) = 0
fills all needed elements with zeros automatically.



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