How to shift graphs in Matlab?

15 次查看(过去 30 天)
Robert  Flores
Robert Flores 2018-5-5
评论: Jan 2018-5-15
I am trying to figure out how to start my graph correctly. Time is starting at zero, however my statements are starting at 2 and just putting a zero for my first element, not 1,2. They should be starting from the same y-intercept and then vary after time equals 7.45ish. The first figure is without the correction, and the second image is if I try and fix the shift with changing line 114 with 1/10 - 1/10. If you can help me with this issue that will be great.
close all
clear all, clc
g = 9.81; %acceleration due to gravity m/s^2
l = 20; % length of rope from top of platform
L = l+9;
h = 91-l; % the total displacement of the spring
d = l +h; % the height of the platform
m = 100; % mass in kg
k = 2*m*g*d/h^2; % spring constant
c =10; % damping constant
x0 = -m*g/k; % position at time = 0, when the spring engages
v0 = sqrt(2*g*l); % velocity at time =0, when the spring engages
wn = sqrt(k/m); % omega_n, natural frequency, radians/sec
z = c/(2*m*wn); % zeta, damping ratio,
wd = wn*sqrt(1-z^2); % damping frequency, radians/sec
A = sqrt(((v0+z*wn*x0)^2+(wd*x0)^2)/(wd)^2); % amplitude
phi = atan(wd*x0/(v0+z*wn*x0)); % phase angle
syms t
x = A.*exp(-z.*wn.*t).*sin(wd.*t+phi); % position function
v = diff(x,t); % velocity function
a = diff(v,t); % accleration function
j = diff(a,t); % jerk function
% x is maximum when velocity is zero
t_x_max = double(solve(v==0,t)); % solves for time when v is zero
t_x_max = t_x_max(t_x_max>=0); % selects the positive time values
t = t_x_max;
x_max = double(subs(x)); % maximum displacement for time when v is zero
x_total = x_max+abs(x0) % x is measured from the equilibrium position. This adds
%the initial position to the displacement from the equilibrium postion.
if x_total > h
disp('Jumper is safe')
% Velocity is maximum when acceleration is zero.
syms t
t_v_max = double(solve(a==0,t)); % time when a is zero.
t_v_max = min(t_v_max);
t = t_v_max;
v_max = double(subs(v)); % maximum velocity
% acceleration is maximum when jerk is zero.
syms t
t_a_max = double(solve(j==0,t));
t_a_max = t_a_max(t_a_max >=0);
t = t_a_max;
a_max = double(subs(a)); % maximum acceleration
gs = abs(a_max/g) % accleration/acceleration due to gravity gives the number of gs.
if gs > 2
disp('Black out')
disp('Jumper is awake')
Td = 2*pi/wd; % damped period
n = 0:20;
time = Td*n/2+t_x_max; % time at which x peaks occur
t = time;
x_peaks = double(subs(x)); % x peak values
for i = 1:1:numel(x_peaks)
if abs(x_peaks(i))<4
t_over = time(i);
fprintf('Ride ends at %g \n', t_over)
% subplot(3,1,1)
% scatter(time,x_peaks)
% hold on
% plot(time,4)
% axis([0 60 -60 60])
% syms t
% subplot(3,1,2)
% fplot(x)
% hold on
% fplot(4)
% axis([0 60 -60 60])
% subplot(3,1,3)
% fplot(v)
% axis([0 60 -60 60])
% hold off
t_x0 = vpasolve(x==x0, 8)
C = m*g*l/(.5*int(v^2,0,t_x0))
syms t
free_fall = x0+v0.*t+1/2.*g.*t.^2;
ff_vel = diff(free_fall);
%X- True position
X = zeros(1,601);
for i = 1:1:601
t = i/10;
if subs(x)>x0
X(i) = subs(x);
v0= subs(v);
if subs(free_fall)<x0
X(i) = subs(free_fall);
v0 = subs(ff_vel);
t= [0:.1:60];
hold on
xlim([0 10])
hold off
% t_x0 = vpasolve(x==x0, 7)
% t = t_x0
% v_x0 = subs(v)
% x = free_fall;
% t_x0 = vpasolve(x==x0,
  2 个评论
Krishna Bindumadhavan
"Time is starting at zero, however my statements are starting at 2 and just putting a zero for my first element, not 1,2. They should be starting from the same y-intercept and then vary after time equals 7.45ish."
^ Could you please elaborate this with respect to the code? I was not able to understand what you are trying to say here.
Jan 2018-5-15
Inserting a blank line after each line of code decreases the readability. Please don't do this. Remember, that the outcommented sections are confusing in general, most of all, if you post code in the forum.


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