make a GUI in matlab

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
the problem is to read the text from those files, show it on screen under respective heading and allow the user to change the same. Once values are modified, after clicking ok modified value to be overwritten in respective files.
pls suggest the code for this problem.


Jan 2018-5-7
This is exactly what Matlab's editor does already. Why do you want to re-create such a standard tool?
But if you really want to do this, what does "show it on screen under respective heading" mean? A uitabgroup? While it is not very complicated to create such a tab group and add some buttons for loading and saving, this is a tedious work. Try to start writing a solution and ask a specific question.
  7 个评论
Jan 2018-5-8
This is a problem of Notepad. All other editors can handle \n as line break reliably, but Notepad requires \r\n. Replace it by a smarter editor like WordPad or Notepad++. But if you really want to use this darn old poor editor, replace:
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', cstr{:})
fprintf(fid, '%s\r\n', cstr{:})
or open the file in text mode by:
[fid, msg] = fopen(FileName, 'wt')
I'd prefer to omit Notepad.
raviranjan singh
raviranjan singh 2018-5-8
thanks. it works properly.


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