I am attempting a K means cluster and so far, when I run this program, nothing is showing up on my graph. Can someone help me out?

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% An example database chosen
A = load('Image.mat');
A = A.Image;
% Data between 0 and 1
X = (A-min(A(:))) ./ (max(A(:) - min(A(:))));
% Normalize data
% Plot 2-D data
plot(X(:,1), X(:,2), '.');
% K Means (All on Mathworks)
dist_k = 'sqeuclidean'; % Distance
opts = statset('Display','off');
% If replicates = r > 1 and Start is plus (default), then the software
[idx,C, sumd,D] = kmeans(X,4,'Distance',dist_k,'Replicates',5,'Options',opts);


the cyclist
the cyclist 2018-6-4
Let's start with the simplest possibility ...
Do you realize that your code does not have a line in it that will plot the clusters? It only has code that will calculate the cluster indices.

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