convert hex data to viewable image(JPEG) in matlab

48 次查看(过去 30 天)
i have a hex data of JPEG image from a software called "HxD Editor".The file attached below is the text file of hex characters now, by using that convert back to its original JPEG image in matlab R2018a
fid = fopen('hexdata.txt', 'r');
% Scann the txt file
img = fscanf(fid, '%x', [256,120]);
% Close the txt file
% restore the image
outImg = reshape(img,[128 128]);
outImg = outImg';
figure, imshow(outImg,[])
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回答(2 个)

Jan 2018-6-29
编辑:Jan 2018-6-29
Import the HEx data as 8 Bit values:
img = fscanf(fid, '%2x', [256,120])
% ^ this matters
You cannot reshape a [256 x 120] array to a [128 x 128] array. Reshaping does not change the number of elements. Maybe you mean imresize? The lack of comments in your code force the readers to guess, what you want to do.

Guillaume 2018-6-29
编辑:Guillaume 2018-6-29
Clearly, you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.
A quick search of the first few bytes of your hexadecimal stream reveals that FF D8 FF E0 is typical of the header of a JPEG file. So what you have is simply the whole content of a jpeg file encoded as hexadecimal. Reading that as an array of bytes and hoping it's somehow going to display as an image is never going to work.
The simplest method to decode the image is to resave the stream as a jpeg file and open that the normal way:
fid = fopen('hexdata.txt', 'r');
bindata = fscanf(fid, '%2x'); %read bytes encoded as hexadecimal character
fid = fopen('hexdata.jpg', 'w');
fwrite(fid, bindata); %save bytes to jpeg file
img = imread('hexdata.jpg');


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