Plot does not have axes properties set correctly, nor saved correctly.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a plot need to apply for axes and save to a different size. When I use the following script, it does not save the empty plot.
H_error = CarolinaPulledPork.horizontal_error(Idx);
plot(X, H_error,'DisplayName','Horizontal Position Error','LineWidth', 2);
% Create title, x & y lables, and legend
set(ax,'FontSize',24, ...
'XColor',[0.0784313753247261 0.168627455830574 0.549019634723663], ...
'YColor',[0.0784313753247261 0.168627455830574 0.549019634723663]);
set(ax,'XTick',linspace(plot_start,plot_end,16), ...
'xlim',[plot_start plot_end], 'ylim',[0 50]);
datetick('x', 'HH:MM', 'keepticks', 'keeplimits');
xlabel(plotname,'FontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','FontSize',24, ...
'Color',[0.0784313753247261 0.168627455830574 0.549019634723663]);
ylabel('Horizontal Position Error (m)', ...
'FontWeight','bold','FontAngle','italic','FontSize',24, ...
'Color',[0.0784313753247261 0.168627455830574 0.549019634723663]);
legend show;
filename = sprintf('Horizontal Position Error vs Time for Day %s - Scenario %s.png', Day, Scenario);
% Convert to a different size) and Print to PNG file
set(gcf, 'Position', [0 0 2400 600]);
print(gcf, filename,'-dpng','-r0');

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