How to initialize the class in MATALB?

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I want to use 'fitrgp' function in Matlab Simulink.
fitrgp returns a GPmodel and its type of class is 'RegressionGP'.
for example:
ans =
i used the matlab function block in MATLAB simulink and used the following code
function y = fcn()
it gives me following error and recommends me to preinitialize the output.
Function output 'y' cannot be an mxArray in this context. Consider
preinitializing the output variable with a known type
how can i preinitialize this 'RegressionGP' class so that i can use 'fitrgp' command in MATLAB Simulink?
  2 个评论
Wooshik Kim
Wooshik Kim 2018-7-5
you can try initializing y
what is the output of fitrgp?
if it is an array, initialize y with an array of the same size
Adan91h 2018-7-6
Hi Kim,
No it is not an array. The output is a ''class'' with type 'RegressionGP'.
see the below response
>> y=fitrgp(rand(100,2),rand(100,1));
>> y
y =
ResponseName: 'Y'
CategoricalPredictors: []
ResponseTransform: 'none'
NumObservations: 100
KernelFunction: 'SquaredExponential'
KernelInformation: [1×1 struct]
BasisFunction: 'Constant'
Beta: 0.5041
Sigma: 0.2552
PredictorLocation: []
PredictorScale: []
Alpha: [100×1 double]
ActiveSetVectors: [100×2 double]
PredictMethod: 'Exact'
ActiveSetSize: 100
FitMethod: 'Exact'
ActiveSetMethod: 'Random'
IsActiveSetVector: [100×1 logical]
LogLikelihood: -11.8893
ActiveSetHistory: []
BCDInformation: []
Properties, Methods


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