Save images in a loop

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Maria Jaramillo
Maria Jaramillo 2018-7-9
编辑: Jan 2018-7-9
I currently have a program that creates an image and then saves it in a folder. (uiputfile) it works, but I need a way to do the same but continuously using a loop. I need the program to go through completely and at the end save the file and then do the same again. Each time the file will have a different name. I have a name giving function that saves it it nameString. Also I have the location folder using the cd function. I just need the images to be saved without me having to hit the save button.


Jan 2018-7-9
编辑:Jan 2018-7-9
BaseFolder = tmpdir;
for k = 1:100
FileName = fullfile(BaseFolder, sprintf('Image%04d.png'));
imwrite(Data, FileName);

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