convert .dat files into .txt or .xls files

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all, I am collecting spectra from a system that outputs data as .dat file. I'd like to convert these files in .txt or .xls to plot them. I tried this
clear all
close all
filename = 'finale100.dat';
A = importdata(filename);
Npoints =;
for ii = 1:Npoints
intensity(ii,1) = str2num(A.textdata{8+ii});
but it's not working. I cannot attach it as it won't let me upload the .dat file.. Any suggestions please?
  13 个评论
Adam 2018-7-10
编辑:Adam 2018-7-10
Just open it in any text editor (I use Notepad++, but basic Notepad would work) to see if it is binary or ascii. If it is human-readable then it is ascii. If it is full of symbols and junk it is binary. If A looks right though then again, it looks like your code on this line:
intensity(ii,1) = str2num(A.textdata{8+ii});
is not extracting the correct results from it. Why is there a hard-coded 8 in there?
Guillaume 2018-7-10
Just open it in any text editor
Or attach it here after renaming it. We'll tell you.


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