.m files are not opening in editor

42 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear MATLAB users, I've just installed matlab 2018a. whenever I doubleclick on a .m file Matlab starts instead of opening the desired file in a new tab in the editor eventhough Matlab is already running. Thanks in advance
  5 个评论
Samhar Saleh
Samhar Saleh 2018-7-23
Exactly. Thx for the link. The problem looks similar. I’ll try it
Samhar Saleh
Samhar Saleh 2018-7-24
编辑:Samhar Saleh 2018-7-24
As I have just said, a new instance of MATLAB is launched when i double click a *.m file. but the file itself is not opening in the new instance just its path. I tried to uninstall the 18a and install 17b but the problem remains unsolved. I am not runnig MATLAB as an adminstrator as mentioned in the link above and no other version was installed before 18a.



Jan 2018-7-24

更多回答(1 个)

Sadettin Durmus Talipoglu
I had the same problem in r2018a. You should download the file on below link, run the code inside on it.
Then, run the composed .reg file. Now, You can reopen the MATLAB. The problem should be solved.
  2 个评论
Jan 2019-3-12
Just to mention it: This is the same link to the FileExchange submission as in my answer.
Sadettin Durmus Talipoglu
编辑:Sadettin Durmus Talipoglu 2019-3-12
Dear Jan,
I am sorry to inform that you have just leave the link. You didn't explain step by step.
But, I am new at mathworks platform. I think you can mention me about the rules.



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