how to set log scale range

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
Megha 2018-8-6
评论: Megha 2018-8-6
is it possible to set the range of matlab plot
However, it gives me wrong yticklabel, I want yticklabel like '1E-30', '1E-28', '1E-26', '1E-24', '1E-22'
what is the correct range (1E-30:1E2:1E-22) that i could use to define this?
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2018-8-6
编辑:Stephen23 2018-8-6
Both the colon and linspace operators use linear steps. If you want logarithmically spaced values, then use logspace, e.g.:
>> logspace(-30,-22,5)
ans =
1e-030 1e-028 1e-026 1e-024 1e-022
But for plotting you don't need to create these labels anyway: see Jan's answer.



Jan 2018-8-6
编辑:Jan 2018-8-6
yt = logspace(-30, -22, 5);
set(gca, 'XTick', 6:2:14, 'XTickLabel', 6:2:14, ...
'YTick', yt, 'YTickLabel', yt, ...
'XLim', [6, 14], 'YLim', [1e-30, 1e-22], ...
'YScale', 'log');
Use logspace to get the Y-ticks. Set the ranges accordingly and set Y-scaling to logarithmic.
By the way: You do not have to define the tick labels, if they are the same as the tick values.
  3 个评论
Jan 2018-8-6
Set 'YTickLabel' to:
sprintfc('10^%d', log(yt))
In modern Matlab versions try e.g. also:
compose('10^%d', -30:2:22)
Megha 2018-8-6
yt = compose('10^%d', -2:1:3);
set(gca, 'XTick', (1:1:6), 'XTickLabel', 1:1:6, ...
'YTick', (1E-2:1E3), 'YTickLabel', yt);
please check this, it seems there is some error somewhere


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