How to access class and functions from python
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Hello All,
I am trying to access matlab code in python. I have referred ref1 and ref2 I am able to work with single function code, but not with a multi function code as mentioned in ref2 or even this basic example
classdef Test1
properties (Access = private)
input1 = 0;
input2 = 0;
function out1 = ADD_1(this,i1,i2)
this.input1 = i1;
this.input2 = i2;
out1 = this.input1 + this.input2;
function out2 = SUB_1(this,out1)
out2 = out1 - 1;
What I have tried is
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
eng.addpath(r'C:\Users\Python_file_test', nargout=0);
func1_out = eng.ADD_1(10,20)
I get an error
MatlabExecutionError: Undefined function 'ADD_1' for input arguments of type 'int64'.
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Siddharth Bhutiya
Whenever you create a class in MATLAB it will be a Value class by default. However, while working with MATLAB Engine for python you can only use MATLAB Handle classes, which is mentioned in the link below
So in order to make the above example work, you will have to make your class a handle class which can be done by replacing the first line of your MATLAB code to
classdef Test1 < handle
Another thing to note here is that the function signature of ADD_1 indicates that it needs 3 inputs: Test1 Object(this), first number(i1) and second number(i2). So inside your python script, you will have to create an object for Test1 and pass it as the first argument of ADD_1
myobj = eng.Test1()
func1_out = end.ADD_1(myobj, 10, 20)
I believe that the above changes should resolve your issue.
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