Fail to open Matlab editor

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
CY Qian
CY Qian 2018-10-4
When I try to open a .m or .mlx script in Matlab editor, the GUI of Matlab editor fail to come out. What I only see is a close button near the upper-left corner of the screen.
This problem appears since version 2018a and was not fixed by reinstall the same version. Last time I roll back to 2017b and the bug disappeared. Now I am using 2018b. And now I am wondering if there is any method or advice that may fixed this problem without a time-consuming reinstallation?
  2 个评论
Jan 2018-10-4
The screenshot shows, that a serious problem occurs: "No devices were detected fo..." and "The RegFileOperation... before continuing to work..." Of course such messages should not be ignored, so please post a copy of these messages also.
CY Qian
CY Qian 2018-10-24
The warning in the command window is caused by the Image Acquisition Toolbox and is not relevant. Anyway, I have totally reinstalled Matlab. Thank you for comment on my question!


回答(1 个)

Karan Mehta
Karan Mehta 2022-10-5


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