How to read a video which is implemented by visual studio 2008 in matlab 2010?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to work on a computer vision project in Matlab. I need to read a video from a virtual world which is implemented by visual studio 2008 Professional. Then, I need to control and work on the video in matlab. I have no idea how to do this. I really appreciate it if you respond as soon as possible.
  1 个评论
Geoff 2012-7-3
Visual Studio is a development environment that enables programmers to write, execute and debug programs written in a handful of Microsoft language implementations. So that's not very relevant. Are you trying to obtain a live video feed from your virtual world and pump it into MATLAB? (potentially difficult) Or are you trying to load a video file that is created by that application? (potentially simple)



Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-7-5
I'm guessing that you meant to say that you have a C/C++ program that produces a video feed, which you want to make accessible to MATLAB? You will need to write a MEX-function that will call into your C/C++ code. This MEX-file can then be run just like any other .m file in MATLAB.
  2 个评论
Pouye Sedighian
Pouye Sedighian 2012-7-5
编辑:Walter Roberson 2012-7-6
To Kaustubha Govind:
Thank you for your respond. Yes, I do want to do this. I know Matlab, but unfortunately, I do not have any experience in visual studio. Someone else has implemented this program in visual studio ,and I just need to work on its vision part via Matlab.
When I run the program, the video pops out in a full-screen window with some keys to control different parts. I have no idea how read that in Matlab.
Would you please explain exactly what I need to do? Thanks again,
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2012-7-6
As I explained, you could create a MEX-function "wrapper" around your C code and call it from MATLAB like any other function, but since you say there are graphics, etc., it may actually be better to call MATLAB from the C program as an Engine. Please start with some basic examples from the documentation on how you can call into MATLAB from C/C++ code, before you set about calling MATLAB from your existing program:
Note, you will need to have some working knowledge of C/C++ to be able to use either solution.


更多回答(1 个)

Pouye Sedighian
Pouye Sedighian 2012-7-5
编辑:Pouye Sedighian 2012-7-5
To Geoff: Yes, I want to obtain a live video feed from your virtual world and pump it into MATLAB.


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