Memory leak or problem in my code ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Eskapp 2012-7-11
Hello everybody,
I wrote a small Matlab function (code just below) with really common Matlab functions. The main aim of this function is to calculate a big cell array : ~ 12000 * 8 cells and to put in each cell a vector of ~ 12000 values. At the end of this function, a 3D graph is plotted through mesh function. There is no output argument.
However, once the function has run and the graph is closed, the memory used keep being unavailable. I tried 'pack' function and, of course, 'clear all'. The memory keeps being unavailable for this and for other Matlab sessions (I tried to open another independent Matlab and I was able to saturate the memory of the server I'm working on.) I also checked there was no persistent or global variables.
The only way I have to release the memory is to exit Matlab.
Is there anything to do to my code to avoid this memory problem ? I work with Matlab 7.12.0 (R2011a) on Unix
Last precision : I tried to run my function : - without plotting the graph - not using the conv and trapz functions inside - clearing variables inside the function when it was possible, the problem remained the same...
Thank you for your help !
Here is the code :
function [] = dynamique_observation()
clear all; close all; clc;
nb_wksp = 12060; % Workspaces = iterations
%%Parameters calculation
pas_min = 900*19.9e-3/3600; % step
alph0_ref_min = 4.8518*60; % reference angle
alph0_ref_rad = alph0_ref_min/60*pi/180; % rad conversion
alph0_min = ...
(alph0_ref_min-6029*pas_min:pas_min:alph0_ref_min+6030*pas_min); % Angles vector
alph0_rad = alph0_min/60*(pi/180); % rad conversion
c = 299792458; % light speed in vacuum
R = 6378100; % Earth radius (m)
lat = 47.21; % latitude (deg)
Vt = R*cosd(lat)*2*pi/86400; % Speed (m.s-1)
% Frequencies vector
f_centrale = [1380e6+880+2200 1385e6 1390e6 1395e6 1.4e9 1405e6 1410e6 ...
1415e6 1420e6-880-2200];
lambda = zeros(1,9); % Initialization
for bf=1:9 % spatial frequencies calculation
lambda(bf) = c/f_centrale(bf);
D = zeros(1,8); % Initialization
for dec=0:7 % Distances calculation
D(dec+1) = dec*2.5e-3*Vt;
%%Moon model
chp_lune = zeros(1,nb_wksp); % Initialization
chp_lune(1:3015) = 3; % Sky
chp_lune(3016:9044-floor(6029*0.14)) = 190; % Non illuminated part of the Moon
chp_lune(9044-floor(6029*0.14)+1:9044) = 300; % Illuminated part of the Moon
chp_lune(9045:nb_wksp) = 3; % Sky
% Convolution with a gaussian function
sigma = (2/60)*pi/180; % sigma=2'
alph_minProfil =...
(alph0_ref_min-nb_wksp/2*pas_min:pas_min:alph0_ref_min+(nb_wksp/2-1)*pas_min); % angle vector
alph_radProfil = alph_minProfil/60*pi/180; % rad conversion
gauss_refProfil = 1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma)*...
exp(-(alph_radProfil-alph0_ref_rad*ones(1,nb_wksp)).*(alph_radProfil-alph0_ref_rad*ones(1,nb_wksp))/(2*sigma^2)); % Gaussian definition
profil_lune = conv(chp_lune,gauss_refProfil,'same'); % Convolution
maxi = max(profil_lune); % max search
normalisationfactor = 300/maxi; % Normalization factor
profil_lune2 = profil_lune*normalisationfactor; % Normalization
%%Creation of the interference function
sinus_interf = cell(nb_wksp,8); % Initialization
interf_moy_temp = zeros(1,nb_wksp); % temporary, for calculation in the loop
interf_conv = cell(nb_wksp,8); % Initialization
for wksp = 1:nb_wksp % Loop on workspaces
alph_min = ...
(alph0_min(wksp)-nb_wksp/2*pas_min:pas_min:alph0_min(wksp)+(nb_wksp/2-1)*pas_min); %angle vector
alph_rad = alph_min/60*pi/180; %rad conversion
for dec = 0:7 % Loop on dec
for bf = 1:9 % Loop on frequencies
interf = 2*profil_lune2(wksp)^2*(1+cos(2*pi*alph_rad*D(dec+1)/lambda(bf))); % Interferences calculation for alph0
interf_moy_temp = interf_moy_temp + interf; % Mean calculation
end % And of loop on frequencies
sinus_interf{wksp,dec+1} = interf_moy_temp/9; % End of mean calculation
interf_moy_temp = 0; % Initialization for next loop
end % End of dec loop
%%Gaussian definition
gauss = 1/(sigma*sqrt(2*pi))*...
exp(-(alph_rad-alph0_rad(wksp)*ones(1,nb_wksp)).*(alph_rad-alph0_rad(wksp)*ones(1,nb_wksp))/(2*sigma^2)); % Gaussian def
%%Final signal
for dec2 = 0:7 % Loop on dec
interf_conv{wksp,dec2+1} = conv(sinus_interf{wksp,dec2+1},gauss,'same'); % Convolution
end % End of the workspaces loop
%%Integration step
mat_res = zeros(nb_wksp,8); % Initialization
for k = 1:nb_wksp % Loop on workspaces
for l=0:7 % Loop on dec
mat_res(k,l+1) = pas_min/60*pi/180*trapz(interf_conv{k,l+1}); % Integration with trapz method
end % End of loop on dec
end % End of loop on workspaces
%clear interf_conv
title('Integral of interference diagram with antenna diagram')
  3 个评论
Kye Taylor
Kye Taylor 2012-7-11
Perhaps it is this loading into memory that @Jan refers to that accounts for the memory that is not being released after execution of the function?
Eskapp 2012-7-12
Thanks for comments.
When I say that "memory used keep being unavailable" I mean : Once my function has completely run, I can see on the 'top' screen of my Unix Konsole that I am using something like 37% of the resident memory of the server I am working on. If I open another Matlab session, totally independent from the first one and if I create big vectors for instance which would take 70% of the memory of the server, the server will be out of memory.
Second example : If I keep working on the first session and if I run again my function, after the second run, the memory used will be 74% and so on until the server is out of memory.
Concerning mex-function : I am not using this kind of functions and, more generally, there is no user-define function and no file or data loading in this code.
It is a really basic code and I was very surprised to see such a memory problem when running it. That's why I came to ask for help here.


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