2 Loops of same size, 1 goes very quick but one is very slow.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have 2 loops with 4 index each. Every loop is of this form
X1 =zeros (10,11);
s= zeros(1,10^2*11^2);
for i = 1:10
for j = 1:10
for k = 1:11
for l = 1:11
counter = counter + 1
s(counter) = 2;
X1(i,k) = X1(i,k) - 1;
X1(j,l) = X1(j,l) - 1;
X = reshape(X1',1,[]);
T1 = {s,X} ;
V1 = horzcat(T1{:}) ;
A(counter,:) = V1(:);
X1 =zeros(10,11);
s= zeros(1,10^2*11^2);
The first loop does what it should do very quickly. And the second one is exactly of the same form but this runs very slowly.
I watch the variable "counter" to see how fast it runs and the first loop is finished after a few seconds, but the second one needs already 2 minutes for the first 500 cycles.
Why is it so slow and what can I do to make it faster ?
Best regards !
  4 个评论
Guillaume 2019-5-2
Are you sure that counter is set to 0 before you start any of these loops? If not, you'll be growing s slowly in the loops to sizes far greater than 12100. I note that there are no
counter = 0;
in any of the code you've posted.
But your second advice is not what I want
The whole thing can be constructed without any loop whatsoever, so please explain exactly what your constraints are. In particular, at the moment your inner loops iterate over columns and the outer loops iterate over rows, which is less efficient than iterating over the rows in the inner loops. So is the order of iteration critical?
Kernel7364 2019-5-2
Sorry for my mistake, i set the counter = 0 in front of the loop, but I forgot it to copy in the code to my question.
I want to minimize where
I have a transformation :
All in all I have to minimize my vector , since I have constraints to s and x.
Then i have the following constraints:
The first loop that I postet in my question is to fulfil the first to constraints to .
The second loop is to fulfil the last inequality.
Furthermore I have a constraint to my . But these one is at the end of my matrix A and it is very easy and fast to generate. This are just 10 more rows in my matrix A.
I had no other idea to make the matrix A since the constraints should hold to every and I have 10*10*11*11 of these variables and I have 3 constraints to it.
Do you have an idea to create the matrix A faster.
I am very glad that you try to help me. Thank you very much !!!



Guillaume 2019-5-2
编辑:Guillaume 2019-5-2
Here is a simple way to create your A (the one with +1 and +2)
[v1, v2] = ndgrid(num2cell(eye(110), 2)); %110 is 10*11
vsum = cellfun(@plus, v1, v2, 'UniformOutput', false);
vsum = cell2mat(vsum(:));
Apos = [2*eye(size(vsum, 1)), vsum];
Your A with -1 and -2 is simply:
Aneg = [2*eye(size(vsum, 1)), -vsum];
Note that the order of the rows is going to be different from what your loops generate but I assume it doesn't matter.
  13 个评论
Guillaume 2019-5-7
The Cplex solver needed a long time and if I do it for a bigger one it did not solve it after 2 hours
I'm afraid this is not something I can help with. It's completely outside my domain of expertise, I don't even know what CPlex is. However, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a long time to find a solution to whatever it is you're trying to solve. You have 12100 unknown!
The class Cplex has no Constant property or Static method named 'solve'.
Sounds like solve is a normal method of the class, not a static method. If so, you need to call it on an instance of the class, not on the class itself. Something like:
myobj = CPlex(???); %construct an instance of the CPlex class. Replace the ??? by the required inputs if any.
myobj.solve; %call solve on the instance.
Kernel7364 2019-5-8
Okay, thank you very much for all your help !
I will try it tomorrow and see if I can do something. I hop that Cplex can solve it a bit faster but I can imagine that it will take quiet a while since there are more than 12000 unknown.
Thank you so much for all your help !


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