How can I draw the graph of the following two isoclines in Matlab?

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f(x,y)=A-Bx-Lx/(1+Mx)(1+Ny) (1)
g(x,y)=Lx/(1+Mx)(1+Ny)-D-F/(1+Hy) (2)
A=2; B=0.05; L=0.004; M=0.004; N= 0.002; D=0.053; F=0.02; H=0.0004


Zenin Easa Panthakkalakath
Hi Parvaiz,
A combination of 'meshgrid' and 'surf' functions may be used in order to do this. The following code snippet may or may not be accurate, but feel free to use it as a starting point.
A=2; B=0.05; L=0.004; M=0.004; N= 0.002; D=0.053; F=0.02; H=0.0004
f = @(x,y)A-B.*x-L.*x./(1+M.*x).*(1+N.*y)
g = @(x,y)L.*x./(1+M.*x)*(1+N.*y)-D-F./(1+H.*y)
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:5,1:5);
surf(X, Y, f(X,Y));
hold on;
surf(X, Y, g(X,Y));

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