Overwriting an excel file with uiputfile

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
With my script I am creating an Excel file, inserting an image and some data. The user can decide name and path of this file via uiputfile.
The problem is if I want to overwrite an existing Excel file I get the Windows message box "This file already exists, Do you want to replace it?" but I get also a similar message box from Excel.
Is there a way to avoid this second message box to show up?
This is my code:
[resultfilename, resultpath]=uiputfile('*.xlsx');
excel = actxserver('Excel.Application');
workbooks = excel.Workbook;
workbook = invoke(workbooks, 'Add');
sheets = excel.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets;
sheet1 = get(sheets, 'Item', 1);
sheet1.invoke('Pictures').Insert([pwd '\' img]);
sheet1.Range(range_res).NumberFormat = '0,000';
sheet1.Range(range_cap).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 12;
invoke(workbook, 'SaveAs', resultsave);
invoke(excel, 'Quit');
  3 个评论
banco freno
banco freno 2019-5-10
I think I found it, is it the ConflictResolution parameter? See here and here.
If it is the correct parameter, I still can't figure out what is the code to be included in my script.
dpb 2019-5-10
编辑:dpb 2019-5-10
As the first link shows, it's the eighth argument in the argument list, I think you just string enough empty placeholders in the argument to invoke to get to the right position for the flag.
invoke(workbook, 'SaveAs', resultsave,[],[],[],[],[],[],2);
if I counted correctly and if it's empty [] instead of '' empty strings for placeholders or just a list of commas. I don't write enough COM to remember; if you DAGS you'll undoubtedly find some further examples of Matlab usage of invoke to see...or, I'm sure it's used in functions like XLSREAD/WRITE that you can go digging into source code to find usages there...
I can't seem to find a specific example at the moment--it looks like I used the workaround of
where the 'Save' operation eliminates the popup from being shown instead of forcing via the parameter.


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