Is there any difference between Matlab 2019 and 2015?

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Are there any significant improvents between Matlab 2019 and 2015 versions? Looking for some good reasons to buy/upgrade.
  17 个评论
James Tursa
James Tursa 2019-11-25
Changes to the storage format for complex variables in R2018a will also result in significant speed differences for certain operations. Some will get faster and some will get slower depending on what you are doing compared to earlier versions. E.g., see this link:
Mohammad Vahab
Mohammad Vahab 2020-4-29
I am running same code on similar workstations, and I can see 100% enhanced performance by using matlab 2019a! The analysis is using 4 cores, through parfor... If you plan to run parallel analysis, I strongly recommend to upgrade to the latest version!


回答(1 个)

youssef aider
youssef aider 2019-11-8
The 2019 version is very faster. you can solve complicated problems much more efficiently without the need for low level programming languages.


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