How to store the matrix of an image in an excel sheet?

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Image is present in a folder. I want to store is matrix in an excel sheet. How to proceed?


Shreya Shetty
Shreya Shetty 2019-7-26
Image is 2d but each component has X,y,depth. So we extract RGB features.Select an image, Extract the RGB components, Save them in a single excel sheet whose name is user defined. Display original image, All-Black and colour versions of RGB components and retreived image from RGB components
[filename,filepath]=uigetfile({'*.jpg'}, 'Select an Image'); imdata= imread(strcat(filepath,filename)); RC=imdata(:,:,1); GC=imdata(:,:,2); BC=imdata(:,:,3); a=zeros(size(imdata, 1), size(imdata, 2)); just_red=cat(3, RC, a, a); just_green=cat(3, a, GC, a); just_blue=cat(3, a, a, BC); figure subplot(5,5,3); imshow(imdata) title('original image') subplot(5,5,7); imshow(RC) subplot(5,5,12); imshow(just_red) title('red channel') subplot(5,5,8); imshow(GC) subplot(5,5,13); imshow(just_green) title('green channel') subplot(5,5,9); imshow(BC) subplot(5,5,14); imshow(just_blue) title('blue channel') im=cat(3,just_red,just_green,just_blue); img=cat(3,RC,GC,BC); subplot(5,5,18); isequal(imdata,img) imshow(img) title('retreived image') [file,Path]=uiputfile('*.xlsx','Save image matrix as'); file=fullfile(Path,file); xlswrite(file,RC,'A1:GR200'); xlswrite(file,GC,'A201:GR400'); xlswrite(file,BC,'A401:GR600');

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Shreya Shetty
Shreya Shetty 2019-7-26
Make changes as per requirement


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