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Optimization constraint not met

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Michael-Allan Millar
关闭: Michael-Allan Millar 2019-8-12
New to matlab and trying to model a hot water storage tank that buys electricity when the price is low and uses it later to meet the demand. So in a perfect scenario 100% of the demand would be stored or purchased when the cost is low. The heater can produce Q_hph, which can either be sent to meet demand Q_hphj or it can be sent to the tank Q_teshin. Q_hph can be greater than the demand (Q_demh) but Q_demh==Q_hphj+Q_teshout, where Q_teshout is what leaves the tank.
When I run the optimization, Q_hph always returns 0 and Q_teshout=Q_demh, which shouldn't be the case without first having a value for Q_teshin.
Thanks in advance for any help!
  2 个评论
Sahithi Kanumarlapudi
In the code which you have provided you did not declare the variable ‘i’. Provide the correct declaration.
Michael-Allan Millar
thanks for that! Managed to get it :)

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