How to determine convergence of ode45

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
KostasK 2019-9-16
评论: KostasK 2019-9-18
Hi all,
I was wondering how it is possible to determine convergence of ode45 for a simple damped mass-spring system. So here is the code for the system:
% Inputs
% Degrees of Freedom
N = 3 ;
% Masses (kg)
m = repmat(100, 1, N) ;
% Spring coefficients (N/m)
k = repmat(15, 1, N+1) ;
% Damping coefficients (Ns/m)
c = repmat(5, 1, N+1) ;
% Maximum force (N)
f0 = repmat(100, 1, N) ;
% Phase angle between force (rad)
phi = linspace(0, pi, N) ;
% Frequency of force (Hz)
freq = 0.2 ;
% Time of simulation (s)
tmax = 100 ;
% Mass initial positions (m)
xi = zeros(1, N) ;
% ODE Inputs
% Degrees of Freedom
N = length(m) ;
% Mass Matrix
M = diag(m) ;
% Stiffness Matrix
k1 = diag(k(1:end-1) + k(2:end)) ;
k2 = diag( -k(2:end-1), 1) ;
k3 = diag( -k(2:end-1), -1) ;
K = k1 + k2 + k3 ;
% Damping Matrix
c1 = diag(c(1:end-1) + c(2:end)) ;
c2 = diag( -c(2:end-1), 1) ;
c3 = diag( -c(2:end-1), -1) ;
C = c1 + c2 + c3 ;
% ODE Initial Conditions
% Time
tspan = [0 tmax] ;
% Displacement and velocity
x0 = [ xi zeros(1, N) ] ;
% ODE Options
options_set = odeset('Mass', [eye(N) zeros(N) ; zeros(N) M]) ;
% Solution
[t, xSol] = ode45(@(t, x) odefcn(t, x, K, C, f0, freq, phi, N), tspan, x0, options_set) ;
% Results
x = xSol(:, 1:N) ; % Displacement (m)
xdot = xSol(:, N+1:end) ; % Velocity (m/s)
% ODE Function
function dxdt = odefcn(t, x, K, C, f0, freq, phi, N)
% Indices
m = N + 1 ;
n = N * 2 ;
% Preallocate
dxdt = zeros(n, 1) ;
% ODE Equation
dxdt(1:N) = x(m:n) ;
dxdt(m:n) = - K * x(1:N) - C * x(m:n) + f0' .* sin(2*pi*freq * t + phi') ;
Now, as I understand, in order to determine convergence I will have to use an EventsFcn. However what perplexes me is how to express the convergence formula within the odefcn, as I can't see how I can compare the one step with the next.
Kind Regards,
  2 个评论
Aquatris 2019-9-17
Since it is a simple mass-spring-damper system, why don't you just check the pole locations (eigenvalues of A matrix, A =[zeros(n) eye(n); -M\K -D\K]). If all poles are on the left half plane (negative real parts) than the ODE will converge.
KostasK 2019-9-18
Yes, this specific problem is simple enough such that this approach could suffice. I think for my above question, its better to calculate the Residuals than the error convergence (which should happen anyway since the solver does not return any warnings/errors).


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