How to convert minutes, seconds, milliseconds to seconds?

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How can I return an array with
For example


Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2019-9-23
编辑:Cris LaPierre 2019-9-23
You don't sepcify your file type. I'm going to assume a csv though this only matters for getting the data into MATLAB. My goal is to import it as a string. Modify as necessary for your file.
opts = detectImportOptions("timeData.csv","ReadVariableNames",false);
opts = setvartype(opts,1,"string");
data = readtable("timeData.csv",opts);
Once the data is read in as a table, convert it to a duration so that the time has units. As part of this, you can specify the input format.
tm = duration({data.Var1{:}},"InputFormat","mm:ss.SSSS")
You can view the seconds in two ways.
1. Use the seconds function
2. Specify the output format when converting to a duration.
tm = duration({data.Var1{:}},"InputFormat","mm:ss.SSSS",'Format',"s")

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